Good ol' Days

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It was the month of December, 2019. Winter was at its peak and one blanket was not enough for sure to live through the night. Just when I was snuggling back into my blanket it started ringing busily, my alarm. Oh! how much I dreaded that sound, still gives me goosebumps. It was only 5:00 am in the morning and I had every right to go back to sleep but I got out of bed that felt like all flowers, cotton, silk, wool, feathers, roses and everything else that was soft and warm in this world. Putting my bare feet on the freezing floor, I splash the freezing tap water onto my face to wash away my sleep. I open the curtains only to see the damp street lights and dusky sky. Standing near the window I wondered if these were the street lights everyone argues they studied under? With a smirk on my face I head back to my table and start writing my to do list which only had three rows "math", "physics" and "chemistry".

Yes, I was 16 back then and I was an intermediate college student. I open the folded page of my physics cengage textbook and start tussling with the mechanics problem that I left off the night before because my head could not handle it anymore. I went through the question again and again until a formula struck my brain. while scribbling a page or two I finally arrived at an answer. There it was, a good start to my day. I kept on solving a few others until I heard the cracking sound from the kitchen. Must be for the chutney I thought and headed out to the balcony.

The birds were chirping or maybe they were yawning? who knows? I felt a little proud because I had woken up before they did. I took a mug of water and watered the tablerose my dad gifted me on my birthday and the mint leaves my thathaiah planted in between. But what I loved the most were neither the roses nor the mint, it was that rout of snails that swarmed in the moist soil. I would take a few on my hand and stare that the trail they left behind on my fingers, tingling them. I splash more water on my wash to wash away the left over sleep and head to a warm bath. So warm that steam would ascend all over my room.

Picking an outfit was never a task, any t shirt, black jeans and same ol' hoodie. It was my everyday pick except for the days my mom and dad argued on wearing something different like a kurti. But I rose to victory on most of the days so not a problem. While stuffing idlies into my already stuffed mouth and chugging a glass of milk, I run down the stairs while making a sorry and a worried face towards the van driver who was consistently honking for five minutes. I mean he could have left if I was that late. I would have atleast enjoyed a warm ride to college in my dad's car but its fine as long as I don't miss my chemistry class.

PS: This is part one and part two will be updated whenever I feel like writing.

Until then...

Elysian 🦋

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