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Every single day I wake up at 6 o clock in the morning, get onto the bus and travel for an hour to reach college, listen to classes for around 6 hours and I get onto the same bus, travel again to reach home. "HOME".. ever wondered why this four letter word differs so much from the word "house". I am pretty sure many would laugh at me or pay no attention if I talked about this over a coffee at a cafe or a mall. People care more about their pictures to post on instagram or about the latest trends in the market. But honestly what is home...

After returning back from a tiring journey, staggering through the stair case, you unlock your door. The warmth that hugs you softly, the cold breeze that blows on your dull face, the gulp of cold water quenching your gut, the aroma of your most favorite dish.. Isn't that home? You put on your oldest pyjamas that are most closest to your heart and carry your smell on them forever. Out of many unused and new teacups you choose the most faded cup that has a crack on the side, brew some fresh chamomile tea while packing the rest neatly back into its metallic container, in a little kitchen that is only enough for you to stand. The house is small, but does that matter if it has a balcony. Lifting your cup carefully from the neat kitchen platform that has fresh oranges arranged in a knit wooden basket, you slide open the door to your balcony. Fresh smell of mud rushes through the door. The rose that budded weeks ago had finally bloomed, your mind had forgotten that today was the last date to submit the worksheet. Caressing the petals of the rose you think to yourself if you would ever open up beautifully like this little flower. Taking a sip of your warm tea and looking at the busy traffic on the road, you wonder why everyone's rushing home just to sleep for a few hours and get back to what they were doing yesterday.

You keep the balcony door open to let in some fresh air, while playing your favorite song in the bluetooth speaker you boil a cup of oats in water and while its cooking you peel some fresh carrots and cucumbers for dinner as side dishes. carefully you slice the carrots and plate them in porcelain bowls. you carry all the bowls at once and sit down on the wooden flooring and lean onto your couch. You crunch on the salad while turning pages of your favorite book on the low wooden table. while flipping the pages you don't even realise you had finished the whole bowl of oat porridge. You finish cleaning the bowls, switch the lights off in the kitchen, fetch your laptop to finish your assignments while covering yourself with the comforter on your couch.

After pressing the submit button and closing all the 20 tabs with pleasure, you shut it close, connect your charger and get out of your couch. Your legs feel numb and you realise its past midnight. Your back hurts and your eyes are dry, your head feels heavy with sleepiness. You switch on the warm lamp beside the bed that is neatly done. You lift the bedsheet and sneek into it, you place the big chubby pillow beside you to snuggle with and there we go into the world of dreams where anything is possible.

Until next time...!!

- elysian 🦋

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