Chapter Three: Freedom

Start from the beginning

Shmi: (to Revan) you'll protect him, won't you?

Revan: With my life.

Shmi: Now be brave, both of you, and don't look back... don't look back.

Shmi hugs her boys, then turns them around so they face Qui-Gon, and they march off, like the brave little troopers that they are. They walk right past Qui-Gon, starring right ahead, side hugging each other, tears in their eyes, determined not to look back.


Qui-Gon, Revan and Anakin walk up to  the Fruit shop lady, Jira. 

Revan: Hello Ms Jira,  Ani tell here the good news.

Anakin: We're free!

Jira: Oh! I'm so happy for you boys!

Revan pulls out some credits and hands it to the lady.

Revan: And here have these, we won't be needing them where we're going. It's the least we can do for you for being so kind to us.

Jira: Can I give you both a hug?

Jira gives both Anakin And Revan a big hug.

Jira: Oh, I'll miss you, boys. you're the kindest lads in the Galaxy. you both take care.

Anakin: Don't worry, We will. Bye!

Revan and Anakin wave goodbye to the Lady, as they run back to Qui-Gon, Revan can't help but feel like their being followed. Just Revan has that thought Qui-Gon ignites his Lightsaber and cuts down a Probe droid behind us.

Revan: A Probe droid? Why was it following us?

Qui-Gon: It must've been looking for the Queen. Come on!


Qui-Gon, Revan and Anakin run toward the Naboo spacecraft. Anakin is having a hard time keeping up.

Revan: Ani come on, Speed up!

Anakin: I can't, I'm tired!

Qui-Gon turns to see a DARK-CLOAKED FIGURE bearing down on a speeder bike.

Qui-Gon: Anakin, Revan, drop!

Anakin and Revan drop to the ground just as DARK-CLOAKED FIGURE sweeps over them. The Figure jumps off his speeder bike, and before he hit the ground, he swung a death blow with his laser sword that is barely blocked by Qui-Gon.

Qui-Gon: Revan, tell them to take off!

Qui-Gon struggles to fend off the relentless onslaught as Anakin and Revan run to the ship.


Revan and Anakin rush into the ship. As they enter the ship, they notice Padme and other man they never met.

Revan: Qui-Gon's in trouble, he said to take off!

They all rush into the cockpit where Obi-Wan and the Pilot are checking the hyperdrive. Capt. Panaka the new man we meet speaks.

Capt. Panaka: Qui-Gon's in trouble!

Obi-Wan: Take off. Over there! Fly low!

In the distance is a small cloud of dust. Qui-Gon and The Figure continue their sword battle. Leaping over one another in an incredible display of acrobatics, the two warriors hear the ship fly over them a few feet off the ground. Qui-Gon almost disappears for a moment. Before The Figure knows what's happening, Qui-Gon is on the spacecraft's ramp. The ramp closes, and the Naboo craft rockets away, leaving the The Figure standing alone.


Anakin, Revan and Obi-Wan rush into the hallway to find Qui-Gon collapsed on the floor opposite the entry. R2 is looking over him. The Jedi is breathing hard, wet with sweat and covered in dirt. 

Anakin: Are you all right?

Qui-Gon: I think so.

Obi-Wan: What was it?

Qui-Gon: I'm not sure... but he was well trained in the Jedi arts. My guess is he was after the Queen...

Revan: What are we going to do about it now?

Qui-Gon: We will be patient. Anakin Skywalker, Revan meet Obi-Wan Kenobi.

Revan gives Obi-Wan a friendly nod as Obi-Wan gives one back.

Revan: Nice to meet'ya.

Anakin: Hi. You're a Jedi too? Pleased to meet you.

Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon look at each other. Smiling at the innocence of the young boy.


Revan sits in one of the seats. Watching out the window of the ship as it flies threw hyperspace.  Looking in awe. Obi-Wan sits beside him

Obi-Wan: Its beautiful, isn't it.

Revan: I've never seen anything like this before. I've only heard stories of hyperspace, but seeing it in person pales in comparison.

Obi-Wan: I remember my first time as well, I guess we have something in common then.

Revan: Can I ask you something? 

Obi-Wan: Sure, ask away.

Revan: Do you think I have a chance to become a Jedi?

Obi-Wan ponders this question for a second.

Obi-Wan: I don't know, at your age, you have less of chance to be allowed in.

Pilot: We're coming out of hyperspace.

Obi-Wan: But I wouldn't give up hope yet.

Revan looks at Obi-Wan heading into the back, letting everyone know that we were arriving soon. He sinks into his seat, his thoughts dwell on Anakin hoping he gets the chance to be in the Order, to live a better than him. 


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