ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝟛𝟘: 𝔹𝕠

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Everyone said he enjoyed punching and kicking them, smiling as they cried out.
Even Ares and Theo shared this experience.

It felt like I was the only one who didn't.

Bo didn't like punching me.
Not once did he smile when it was my turn.
He was furious.

Even though he had so many kids to do with as he pleases, it seemed like he took his real anger on me.

The first time I walked, or limped, out of his office, every one else saw it too.
My left ankle was completely shattered, my ribs were almost broken, but the pain in my face was the only thing I could feel.

It took weeks before my black eyes healed, and even longer for the cuts to close.

Theo almost passed out when I reached our room, and Ares had to push out the twenty others we shared it with.
I don't know how he did it, but I guess my horrifying state was enough to make them scramble away.

I couldn't bring myself to talk for days, couldn't eat anything unless it could fit through a straw, but none of it mattered.

The only thing I could bring myself to do is replay Bo's words in my head.
"I can't kill you now, Olive, but don't worry. It won't be long before he will decide your time is up."

After that, I did my best to become invisible.

I followed every rule this stupid orphanage had, I paid attention at school and got straight A's.
Everything to not be sent back to Bo.

And I still felt his eyes on me all the time.

I was so scared, that I started to have nightmares over and over again.
And right before I woke up soaked in my own sweat, Bo's same words sent chills through my entire body.

I didn't understand what he was talking about. Why, who would want me dead? I did absolutely nothing, and still it seemed like I was the only one in the entire orphanage who received that message.

The only thing that kept me going was the black, metal fence that prevented us from leaving.
It used to be the thing I hated most about this place, but then it turned out to be my only source of hope.

Everyday, Jace showed up and promised to get us out of there.
"Give me some time," he said. "Things are starting to work out, okay? I'll always be here."

Until he wasn't.
The day he didn't show up... It was one of the worst days I've ever had.
We were so scared, so desperate, that we stayed outside past our curfew.

In that moment I didn't care about Bo.
I didn't care about any punishment I might get or the fact that he could kill me.

I only wanted to know Jace is alive.

Before we knew it, it was dark.
None of us wanted to leave, especially Theo who was glued to that damn fence.
But when we saw the police car's lights, we knew we had to hide.

Two officers walked through the gate, and that was enough for the whole staff to get there.
I couldn't hear anything from our place behind a tree, but eventually Ms. Myra moved and let the officers enter the building.

"Do you think they're here to help us?" Theo asked through his split lip.

Neither of us responded.

We stayed there for two hours, not daring to move or speak.
So when the policemen finally came out and closed the big doors behind them, I didn't even realize Theo was already gone.

He jumped out and ran over to them so fast, that even Ares couldn't stop him.
We followed him, scared of what will happen.

"Theo!" I remember screaming with Ares, but he didn't stop running until he reached the older officer.

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