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Once upon a time, in the enchanting city of Salt Lake, there lived a girl named Lily. She was a dreamer, an artist at heart, and her imagination knew no bounds.
Lily had always been captivated by the moon's celestial beauty, its gentle glow casting a spell of wonder upon her.

Lily had always been captivated by the moon's celestial beauty, its gentle glow casting a spell of wonder upon her

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Every night, Lily would gaze up at the night sky, her eyes fixed on the moon. She felt an inexplicable connection, as if the moon held the key to her heart. Its luminous presence brought her comfort, inspiring her to create art that reflected its ethereal essence ....

As the nights went by, Lily's love for the moon grew stronger. She would spend hours writing poetry, pouring her heart out to the moon, expressing her deepest desires and longings. The moon became her confidant, her silent listener, as she shared her hopes and dreams under its watchful gaze.

One fateful night, as Lily stood beneath the moonlit sky, she whispered a secret wish. "Oh, moon, if only I could be with you, to feel your gentle touch and bask in your radiant light."

To her surprise, a soft breeze rustled through the trees, and a shimmering light enveloped her.

As Lily looked up, she saw a figure descending from the sky, bathed in a soft moonbeam. It was the moon itself, taking on a human form.

[I can't find a better picture so imagine someone like this]

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[I can't find a better picture so imagine someone like this]

In that moment, Lily's heart leapt with joy as she realized her wish had come true. She and the moon, spent endless nights together, exploring the world and sharing their deepest thoughts and emotions. 🤎

But as time went on, Lily began to feel a sense of longing. She cherished her time with the MOON but deep down, she knew that their love was not meant to last. After all, MOON, was a creature of the night, forever bound to the sky.

With a heavy heart, Lily made the difficult decision to let THE MOON go.

As Lily bid farewell to THE MOON, she carried their love in her heart, knowing that the moon would always be there, watching over her.


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Hope you enjoyed it 💖

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