Chapter 4: Useless Saviour

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Evelyn clung to the tree branches like a koala, as the winged creature was closing in contemplating whether she should she jump down or climb higher? even though she knew doing both was useless. 

And as the creature was on her level and about to sink it's teeth onto her neck she freed her hand which snaked around the tree and started freefalling and within a matter of seconds she hit the ground between some bushes, her plan was to jump down and run to some safe zone in the game even though she didn't know the locations that well, but what she didn't expect was the pain she felt from her fall, (I mean c'mon she's in a virtual world) she was sure she broke few of her bones and the scratches that she got along them were like cherry on top, she made a mental note.

What happens to me here is real which means if I die here, I'm dead for real.

God Evelyn was having the worst time of her life.
She tried to get up but the intense pain made it impossible for her to move, so she laid there fear stricken waiting for the inevitable, the beast was charging down towards her and she was staring right into it's eye in hopes that her in-game death will bring her back to the real world.

But instead of the beast's fangs Evelyn saw a flash of steel before her eyes and soon the creature was thrown aside.

Her knight in shining armour had arrived—minus the white horse. With an atmosphere similar to a fantasy film featuring a hero saving a damsel in distress, Evelyn was overcome with gratitude as she looked up at her unexpected saviour wielding a sword against the vicious beast.

Despite her disdain for playing the damsel in distress which was a stain on her cool baddie image, Evelyn couldn't be bothered by such things in her current situation.

And in a matter of a few minutes, the knight stood triumphantly over the defeated creature, earning rewards and experience points for the successful battle. Evelyn, still on the ground, waited to be addressed, but contrary to her expectation, the stranger didn't even spare her a glance and started to move on.

"Hey, wait!!!" she called out. "Thanks for saving me," she panted. "Could you do me one more favor? Help me get up?"

He turned, asking bluntly, "Why should I? You've got limbs that are intact. Handle it yourself."

"Sure, I've got limbs, but they aren't intact. I just fell from this tall tree you know and it hurts . Maybe–"

The player laughed. "You are crazy. It's just a game."He continued, his tone lighthearted. "It's not like you can break bones here." With that, he turned away.

Frustration and anger surged within Evelyn. Determined, she insisted, "No, seriously, you don't get it!!! I got stuck in the game. I know it sounds crazy!!! But—""

He turned to her once again and said, mockingly, "OMG!! "Is that so?"

Evelyn wasn't going to let this go, even if she was filled with irritation and annoyance, "I'm not making this up you bastard! I really need help!!!" she screamed.

Still paying little attention, he laughed it off. "Sure, sure. Enjoy your role-playing. I gotta go, Bye miss drama queen," he remarked winking at her and logging out of the game right there.

"Useless Savior." Evelyn mutters as she lay there tears brimming in her eyes.


Jungkook, having logged out of the game, found himself back in the real world. He stretched, yawned, and glanced at the ticking clock. It was late, and sleep beckoned him. The encounter with Miss Drama Queen lingered in the back of his mind, but he dismissed it with a chuckle falling into the romantic embrace of his bed. 

Morning sunlight streamed through the curtains, and the rhythmic hum of bustling life filled the room. Yet, Jungkook's blissful sleep was abruptly shattered by the unmistakable sound of Jin's energetic voice.

"Rise and shine, Kookie!" Jin's announcement echoed through the dorm, loud enough to wake even the dead.

Jungkook groaned, burying his face in the pillow. Jin, the group's appointed morning alarm, wasn't one to be ignored.

"Come on, sleepyhead. No time for beauty sleep, I told you not to stay up playing games. We've got a schedule today!" Jin's cheerful demeanor clashed with Jungkook's desire for a few more precious moments of rest.

In no time, Jin resorted to more drastic measures. The curtains were thrown open, and the room flooded with blinding sunlight and before it could escalate any further.

"Alright, alright, I'm up!" Jungkook surrendered, shielding his eyes from the sudden brightness.

Jin smirked triumphantly. "That's the spirit! Now, breakfast in ten. Don't be late!"

With a final dramatic sigh, Jungkook got out of the comfort of his bed. He trudged towards the bathroom, like a zombie in search of toothpaste and coffee and after about a half an hour of spacing out and accomplishing his morning routine Jungkook stumbled into the kitchen, he found a chaotic yet familiar scene. 

Jin and Suga were orchestrating a culinary symphony, pans sizzling and ingredients dancing to their culinary expertise. 

Suga, his sous-chef for the day, stood by, offering occasional quips. "Jin-hyung, you're making breakfast, not a Michelin-starred feast."

Jin shot him a mock offended look. "This is BTS, Suga. Everything we do is a feast, especially when it's whipped up by WWH, you know?" To which Suga responded with a roll of his eyes.

As the aroma of breakfast wafted through the house, Taehyung and Jimin couldn't resist breaking into a spontaneous dance, twirling around the kitchen island and stealing a few pieces of bacon behind Jin's back.

Hobi and Namjoon, engrossed in their own world, were huddled on the couch, discussing some secret projects. Occasionally, they'd glance at the chaos around them.

Jin, unfazed by the antics, plated the breakfast – a feast fit for kings. Toast, eggs, bacon, and some other side dishes adorned the table, a testament to Jin and Suga's culinary prowess. The boys gathered around the table, the morning sunlight casting a warm glow on their faces. 

"Alright, dig in before it gets cold," Jin declared, and the clattering of cutlery began.

Taehyung, ever the mischief-maker, attempted to steal a piece of bacon from Jungkook's plate, only to be met with a playful slap on the hand by the younger.

Hobi grinned. "You snooze, you lose, Tae."

"C'mon no one can win against our Golden maknae." Jimin declared with a pat on Jungook's shoulder.

The kitchen was filled with laughter, banter, and the clinking of dishes. It was a snapshot of BTS's everyday life, where the ordinary moments held as much magic as their stage performances. Jungkook couldn't help but marvel at the seamless blend of chaos and harmony that defined their lives. The game world might offer thrilling adventures, but nothing compared to the genuine love and care of his seven-member family.

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