Chapter 3

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"Freak? Is that what those muggles told you?" growled Charlie with a frown. Harry shrugged "Not just them. Most muggles think so. Doesn't matter though." shrugged the teen. "What happened next Harry?" asked Arthur gently "um...well not much besides Sirius being found and Remus and Snape. You know all of that." "I think you should just go over to fourth year Harry. It's when it really started after all." suggested George. Harry nodded but the door suddenly opened and a nurse came through with a smile "Afternoon everyone. I'm here to check on Mr. Weasley and administer his potions. I apologize if I'm interrupting but I'll only be a moment."

"Afternoon?" echoed Molly before glancing at her watch and gasping "Ok well everyone we should be having lunch. I don't need another of my children in the hospital. Lets go. Up. Up. Up" she ushered all of them out the door for lunch. "um Molly I'll only b a moment i need to talk to the nurse for a sec." "Very well dear, but i want at the Three Broomsticks in less that fifteen minutes." "Yes ma'am."

"Um excuse me nurse..." the nurse smiled as Harry trailed off "Johnsons." "Nurse Johnsons. um...where is Healer Hover?" "Oh he should be in his office at the moment." "Could you tell me where that might be?" "Of course, it'll be the one at the end of this hall. The corridor holds all his patients." she replied. After thanking her Harry set off to find the office and knocking three times sharply. A muffled come in was heard and harry entered to be greeted by a bright smile "Ah, harry, what can i do for you?" closing the door behind him he took the offered seat "Healer Hover i was wondering if you received the payment i had made from one of my Gringotts accounts?" the healer nodded "We have and kept it under wraps as well." "Thank you. I was wondering how Fred was." the smile that was offered was one often worn by Dumbledore. That bloody knowing smile that made Harry feel pathetic and small and burn with irritation but also feel comforted that someone knew and was trying to help. 

"Harry my boy i am happy to say that your...friend, is doing really well. His magic is pushing through and he will likely awake within a few weeks, 2 months at most. He's certainly a fighter." Harry smiled a watery smile and wiped his eyes "Sorry. I'm a mess. Thank you. Thank you so much." "No need to apologize, or thank me for that matter. Mister Weasley is doing all of this himself, I'm merely telling you what he's doing. And dare i say he knows he has a reason to fight. he has a purpose for coming back. He knows that and therefore...he's fighting."

 Harry eyes widened slightly and his hands went to his stomach "How'd you know?" Hover smiled warmly "I've been trained to spot glamour's and from a certain angle you seem a bit...big." Harry chuckled "Yea. The little creetin is using my magic so i cant cast a proper glamour charm. I normally say i had a big lunch." "I'm sure they are. While i can give you something to keep the glamour i do think a proper check up is required. Have you ben checked before? How did you find out?" "I found out after throwing up five breakfasts and snapping at random people. I have been checked, though not since before....before the war." "May i ask by who?" "Severus Snape." "The Headmaster of Hogwarts?" Harrys head snapped up "They let him keep the position?" "Yes. Apparently an anonymous source slipped some information about what he did and how he spied and lifted all his charges and let him return to his post." Harry grinned "I'm glad the bastard thought ahead and prepared the anti-venom." "So would i be good to assume you'll continue being checked by him since you don't want this known?" "yes you would." "ok, then. But i must insist that i get a weekly report about your situation Mister Potter." he said sternly and after promising Harry left to have lunch. 

After lunch harry said he would go check up on Hogwarts. At the glares he received he rolled his eyes "I'll continue when i return." he promised before apparating away. He appeared in the Great Hall. He gasped at it, everything was repaired. the place looked good as new "how long ago was this place in shambles?" he mumbled. "Roughly a week ago." answered a silky voice "A week? no that's not possible. Seriously? No that cant be." "It is Potter. Now stop rambling and out with it."

Harry spun to face the his most hated Professor and the one who saved his life more than he could care to count "professor Snape. You're ok. They really let you go." he grinned excitedly and Snape narrowed his eyes "I know what you did Potter." Harry avoided the older eyes "no idea what you mean sir." "Don't toy with me. i told you to leave it be." "But it was unfair! You've helped me so many times i owed you at least this one! I wanted to help!" Snape sighed "You always want to help. Doesn't matter now anyway. It's over. How are you?" Harry caught Snape eyes glanced at his stomach and smiled "WE are doing fine. but i came to see how you were doing and to make sure." "Your first good idea in a while Potter. Follow me."

In the Headmasters office harry noted that Snape took him to a hidden Potions lab and turned sharply pointing his wands at the boys stomach. harry took a step back in shock and Snape rolled his eyes "I'm going to run a diagnostics spell. Stay. Still." Harry felt a tickle of magic rush over him before he sighed. He opened his eyes and found Snape reading over a parchment and watched the mans shoulders slump in relief and his eyes close briefly. only then did harry realise that the man had been stiff and worried. Worried about him. Harry couldn't help the warm feeling overcome him at the thought. Surprising both himself and Harry the Headmaster brought the younger man into a tight embrace. Before Harry could properly respond he had pulled back and cleared his throat "you're ok. you're both ok. I want you here every second day. And no stress. Am i understood? you just fought a bloody war i don't need anymore stress on you or the child." "Yes sir." with a nod Snape let Harry leave. When the boy got to the door Snape called " safe harry." harry grinned to himself "Will do sir."

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