Chapter 4

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When Harry got back it was almost dinner time already. "Harry, child, you're back." called Molly when Harry entered the room. After giving Fred's body a glance he smiled at the others "yes i am." "Where'd you go mate? Or did you already tell Hermione." bit Ron. Harry bit back a snarl and swallowed his explosion with the obnoxiously loud voice of Snape in his head 'If you rise to the bait then you're  bigger dunderhead than he is Potter!' "Ronald! Enough of this!" scolded Arthur and Ron grumbled before leaving, Draco following after him. "I'm sorry about that Harry." "it's alright Arthur. I think I'll go to bed. We'll continue the story tomorrow and I'm not hungry for dinner." remembering his 'condition' Harry relented "but maybe i could have a nutrient potion for the night? I don't wanna get sick." "Of course child." replied Molly fishing one out. 

The next day after breakfast found everyone once again sitting for 'story time' as George joked about it. "So...where was i?" "George suggested you just start on fourth year." said Hermione "right. well after that night me and Fred got closer. besides hanging with them at night, me and Fred would meet up alone, for lunch, during our free time, just...for fun. And it was nice and all. But i didn't know why or what it was at the time, but something was different after a while. We were comfortable but there was more and i didn't know what it was. Fred didn't say anything so i didn't either. After my name came out of the goblet the problems started."

Harry walked from History of magic to lunch when he got stopped. He tilted his head and smiled "Hey Diggory. What can i do for ya?" the Hufflepuff returned the gesture "Call me Cedric. Wanted to know if you wanted to hang a bit. I noticed lotsa people been shunning you." Harry shrugged nervously "Yea. They think i put my name in the goblet." "Well then they're bonkers. So...wanna go sit by the lake?" Harry grinned "That would be great." "Great." they walked and got to know each other and didn't stop talking until the bell rang. "Shite! Is lunch over?" "I believe so. this was fun-"Cedric got cut off by Harrys frantic "I gotta go." the older boys face dropped and Harry sighed "No. No. This was great but i have potions next and Snape's a bastard to me on a good day." Cedric beamed "Oh. Then we can hang again?" "Definitely." with that he rushed off.

The very same day Harry found himself get stopped after dinner "Whats with people suddenly wanting to talk to me?" "What?" "Nothing. hey Fred." "Don't 'Hey Fred' me. Where were you?" asked the red head dragging Harry into an alcove. the younger boy scrunched his face in confusion "Where was I?" "Harry you missed our lunch. We were supposed to be practicing spells for the tournament. You don't even know your first task." Harry gasped "Oh bloody hell. It totally slipped my mind. I'm so sorry Fred." "What were you doing?" Harry blushed and looked to his feet "I got stopped by Cedric Diggory and he asked to hang." "Diggory? The other Hogwarts Champion? The handsome Hufflepuff?" Harry chuckled "yea. That one. you think he's good looking too." Fred's eyes narrowed "you think he's good looking?" "Definitely." Suddenly the older Gryffindor took a deep breath "So, you'd rather hang with handsome blokes than me? Suit yourself. then." "What? No, Fred!" he called but was too late. The red head was gone.

"Fred!" called Harry cornering he boy in the corridor. "I'm George." harry rolled his eyes "I can tell you apart with my eyes closed, don't even try. Listen, i wanted to say sorry. i know what it sounded like but i didn't mean it that way. Yea, sure Cedric is good looking but i don't ogle over him like everyone else. I hung with him because everyone is against me besides you, George and Hermione that finding someone was on my side made me happy. I was just trying to be friendly. Forgetting our hangout session wasn't right and i apologize for it. If it makes you feel any better you're definitely hotter than Diggory." Harry blushed at the last part and awaited an answer. after a while the twin grinned slinging an arm over Harry shoulder "you think I'm hot." Harry groaned "You have a big ego." "Coz you keep feeding it." and relief flooded Harry as he laughed.

"Hey. Cedric, can i talk to you for a minute?" asked Harry shyly as he received a field of glares and suspicious looks from the Hufflepuff's friends. "Oh hey Harry. Sure. Come on." he relaxed at the grin he received form the older boy and lead him to the empty corridor. "So what is it?" "I have reason to believe the first task is...dragons." "What?! Seriously?! Dragons?!" "Sh! And yes, dragons." "Merlin's beard. Thanks mate. I think I'll warn the other champions too." "I was about tell you to. Dragons are really deadly and i don't want anyone hurt or well dead." Cedric grinned "No worries, no one will die Harry. It'll be ok." Harry smiled at the reassurance. 

"SO that's why you took his death hard. Wondered why you suddenly seemed to be heavily affected by it. Never saw you two together though." said Ron, and Harry couldn't stop himself form biting back "Well of course you didn't. Remember? You were a jealous prat that year and avoided me. Or did that conveniently slip your mind?" Ron blushed "Sorry mate." harry sighed "No. It's fine. I'm sorry for yelling. Um lets go on.."

"Hey Fred." called harry. Fred, who was busy with his COMC homework looked up "yea mate?" "Are snakes and dragons not kind of related?" "Well yea. They are." "So their languages are similar?" Fred closed his book moving it to the side "Oh yea. It's like us and Americans. We both speak English just we have a different dialect. According to a text found by Salazar, dragons have a more older dialect than snakes." when Harry raised a brow Fred shrugged with a smirk "I find animals interesting." "That's evident." "Why'd you wanna know though?" "Well I'm a percelmouth." "Really? I never knew that?" teased the older red head and Harry stuck his tongue out "Shut it. Anyway i can speak the snake language and since Dragons speak the same language..." he trailed and let Fred get the rest "That makes so much sense. Aww, our Harrykins is so smart." before Harry could respond Fred launched at him ruffling his hair.

They laughed and Harry protested trying to push him off to no avail "Fred!" he yelled when they fell off the chair. Putting his quidditch skills to use the older boy pulled the younger closer encircling his arms around Harrys waist and turned to take the impact of the ground. "Ow!" "Fred! Are you ok? Where're you hurt?" fussed Harry sitting up on Fred's stomach and checking the red heads sides. Unbeknownst to him the older boys cheeks currently matched his hair in colour and he grabbed Harry by the waist effectively keeping him still "Fred?" "Harry." replied Fed in a rough voice "You ok?" "Brilliant." he replied. Suddenly Harry realized where he sat and blushed. Fred chuckled and tiled his head to the side "You're cute from this angle." "Shove off."

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