Chapter 3

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At night

Author's p o v
Everyone came back from work. Y/n is in her room doing some work when someone knock on the door. She said -

Y/n: come in ( in cold voice)

The door open and Jennie came inside. She immediately hugged her and said -

Jennie: Y/n... my bestie u are finally here ( said happily)

Y/n: J-jennie can u l-leave me. U are hu- hugging me t-to tightly

Jennie immediately break the hug and Y/n took a deep breath. Then Jennie said -

Jennie: Y/n are you ok. Sorry i was so excited to meet you and i couldn't control myself

Y/n: Its ok Jennie and I am also ok.

Jennie: Anyways, i came here to call you for dinner. Let's go

Y/n: ok

Then both of them went downstairs for dinner
Taehyung's p.o.v
Everyone is sitting in the dining table except Jennie so I asked my mom-

Tae: mom..... where's Jennie
Mrs kim: oh... she went to call ----

Before she could answer I heard a giggling sound. So I turned around and became shock to see Y/n. They both came towards us and stop giggling. Y/n gaze turned cold. She looked around the table and when her eyes meet mine she smirked and winked at me then turned towards dad and asked -

Y/n: how are you uncle. It's so nice to meet you

Mr kim: i am fine dear. What about u(while smiling)

Y/n: I am also fine uncle (while smiling)

I am so shocked to see dad smiling. He never smiled towards her own daughter in law like that. I don't know what magic this Y/n done to my family, that they all love her this much but one thing is for sure, if she tried to hurt my family then i am not going to leave her.

Then she turned towards me and asked -

Y/n: and how are u mi Amor (while smirking)

I didn't said anything so mom give me a glare. Then I said -

Tae: i am fine ( in cold voice)

Then mom said-

Mrs kim: Y/n dear come let's have dinner. Ok

Then she sit in front of me. The maids came and serve us the food

Her Obsession / Taehyung ffDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora