2.16 - nezu hates [first name]

Start from the beginning

Nezu smiled. "Tests are meant to be challenging, [last name]-san." His smile widened, closing his black eyes, clearly satisfied by his decision. 'Let's see just how quick you truly are, [last name]-san.'

'Yeah, he's trying to kill me,' you thought.

Mirio led the other two over to the teachers. "Don't worry, Kouhai, we'll have restraints, right, Sensei?"

"Yes," Eraserhead pointed at a box full of the weights the teachers had already put on. The weights were designed by a student and put on half of the weight of the wielder.

The three third-years were shocked at the weight. Hadou and Amajiki's wrists lurched to the ground at the weights, eliciting surprised gasps, but Mirio seemed perfectly fine. He stood there, grinning his usual grin at you. "I'm rooting for you, [first name]-chan! But I won't go easy on you!"

Mirio is such a... an NPC!! Does he not feel the weights? Because he put them on like mere bracelets!

Ectoplasm laid a hand on your shoulder, and you turned your head to face him. His wide mouth lifted into a grin. "I believe in you, [last name]. Just make a good strategy. Give it your all."

You returned a shaky smile. "I- I'll try my best, Sensei, Senpai." You tried to seem prepared, but you were not prepared in the slightest. You've been practicing combat against ONE person, not three! You don't even know their quirks that well! You know that Mirio can phase through objects and propel himself through the floor; Amajiki can change parts of himself into animal parts (though you're not sure if there's certain requirements he needs to fulfill or if he can just do it with his mind); and Hadou's quirk has something to do with light (?) you assume. At the Festival you had seen her use swirls of a glowing golden substance to float in the air.

She has a really cool quirk.

You stood beside Izuku in the panel room, a wall of monitors showing all corners of the arenas you would be fighting in. The first battle was Team Yaoyorozu and Shouto versus Eraserhead.

Your four arms crossed on top of one another in thought. You need a plan.

You had no idea which area you would be fighting in, but you only hoped it wouldn't be a closed off space or somewhere with a low ceiling. You can't possibly fly to the best of your abilities in a place like that! That would be the worst possible setting, especially if it's dark and has scattered light. You might fall into a stupid trance because of the lighting and lose.

After they had won, thanks to Yoayorozu's plan, Shouto and Creati walked into the surveillance room. "Oh, you were watching us, [last name]-chan?" Yaoyorozu asked, an embarrassed hint of pink in the apples of her cheeks. She was ashamed of all the panicking she did in the beginning, and she hoped you didn't notice.

You gave her a weak smile. "Yeah, your plan was really good, Yaoyo-chan. You're super smart!" You wanted to ask her if she could help you make a plan, but you're pretty sure it would count as cheating. You're in this all alone. You were pissed that you didn't get a partner like everyone else. Why does Nezu expect so much out of you??

Shouto stared at you blankly. There's something up, and he will get to the bottom of it. You've been avoiding his eyes this whole time. "[first name]-san," he said, forcing you to acknowledge him.

You turned to him with an awkward look on your face.

He continued, "Has something happened recently?"

Heat rushed to your face, thinking about Natsuo. "No! Why do you ask? Just a little nervous, you know?"

He raised his brow at you. "I see..."

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