9.The exile

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I was woke up from a shuffling in my room, I rubbed my eyes and looked up to see Dream opening up my curtains, inviting the morning sun inside. "Morning Y/n, I have to go to L'manburg, want to come with?" He asked, turning his attention to me. "I.. Yeah." I mumbled out tiredly. He chuckled came over and pat my head. "You have to stay by me this time though." He added. "Why?" He sighed and looked the other way. "I just need you to, okay?" He asked. I nodded and hopped out of bed. "I'll be downstairs by the door when your ready. He left my room closing the door. I walked over to my wardrobe and pulled out a light green cardigan with a nice white skirt.

I shuffled some shoes on and wandered downstairs

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I shuffled some shoes on and wandered downstairs. I saw dream waiting for me by the door. He held his hand out for me and we set off to L'manburg.

As we arrived I could tell something was different. The feeling in the air felt tense. I squeezed Dreams hand a bit, to which me squeezed back. Dream and I made out way to the back row of all the seats facing the stage, ontop of the stage was everyone who was there previous. Dream sat me down and told me to stay by him. As I looked around I noticed the punz guy along with Sapnap and Eret. I was going to ask where George was when Wilbur started speaking. I didn't really understand all of it, but people was cheering. Tommy randomly started jumping up and down happily. "WE WON WILBUR WE WON!" The teen yelled. "Tommy! Tommy stop!" Wilbur shushed him. "Jshlatt and Quackity had struck a deal, they have fused their votes, therefore making Jshlatt and Quackity the new presidents of L'manburg." Wilbur said defeated. I tilted my head, wasent Wilbur president? What votes? Who's Quackity? I asked myself. Everyone expect from the Ram and duck left the stage. "Well, that was easy." He Ram said into the mic, earning a couple groans and laughter from the crowd. "Yknow I looked every citizen in the eyes and said this place is gonna look alot different tomorrow." The man spoke. "As my first degree, as emperor of this great nation, WILBUR SOOT AND TOMMYINNIT ARE EXILED! GET THEM OUTTA HERE." I knew what exiled ment, I just didn't know why it was happening. Dream grabbed me and put me on his hip. Making sure I wouldn't be trampled. I could hear screams and yells, Tommy and Wilbur was running away from multiple people. "Wait! Wilbur!" I cried. "Dream let me go!" I struggled. Dream tucked my head into his shoulder shushing me quietly trying to comfort me. "Wilbur soot and Tommyinnit are the past! Mere memories!" The ram laughed into the mic. "Now where's Tubbo? Come join me on the stage!" Everyone looked around to try find Tubbo. "I.. I'm right here!" The boy struggled getting up the stairs. "Am.. Am I keeping my job?" Ask the small goat. "Of course! Come on I'm not gonna fire Tubbo now am I?" Joked Shlatt with the duck. "But Tubbo I need you to do something very important." He asked. "I need you to find Wilbur and Tommy, and show them the front door." Sneered the man. "I don't wanna be here anymore." I cried in Dream. He nodded and started walking away. We left l'manburg, when we arrived home Dream took me to the main room and sat with me on the couch. "What if there not okay?" I cried. "I'm sure their fine." He stroked my hair. And with that I fell asleep.

When I woke up I was in my bed with some fluffy pjs on. I realised it was nightime, meaning Dream George and sapnap we're probably asleep. I stretched and hopped off my bed. I was really worried about Wilbur and Tommy. What if they were hurt? I sighed and thought. I could help them! I need to find them! I walked over to my wardrobe and quietly grabbed some clothes.

I quietly put on some brown boots and walked downstairs, trying not to creek the floorboards

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I quietly put on some brown boots and walked downstairs, trying not to creek the floorboards. I made my way to the front door to see it was locked. I grumbled but remembered that Dream keeps the keys in his study down the hall. I stealthily walked over to Dream study and opened the door, seeing it was a mess. I heard a small snore from inside, that's when I realised Dream fell asleep in there. This was gonna be alot harder. I crept in and slowly walked over to the wall where the keys were hanging. I unhooked them and tried and quickly and quietly to get out of his study. I closed the door and ran to the front. I unlocked it and quickly closed the door and ran. Now time to find Wilbur and Tommy.

Giving yous so many updates ur welcome 😭

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