8.The Bakery

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As me Wilbur and Tommy made our way to the stage I noticed lots more people gathering around,  I had no idea who most were. We arrived at the top of the stage to see Jshlatt, A man with duck wings, George, A women with a pink Bob, and Fundy. Wilbur set me down in a chair next to George. "Hi George!" I smiled at the goggled man. "Hi y/n! Why are you here? Did Dream let you?" I nodded. "Yep! He said I can be here as long as he's here, he was with me but then he stopped to talk to Wilbur and The ram guy, I haven't seen him since!" I shrugged. "Oh ve-" George's sentence was cut short when Wilbur began talking in the mic. I mainly blanked it all out, I was busy watching ab ant crawl around, when I finally came out of my watching session I heard Wilbur yell. "What?! Shlatt what are you doing?!"
"You heard me! Vote for Shlatt2020 everyone!" The ram laughed. "WHAT?!" Tommy yelled. Wilbur quickly moved Shlatt out the way and sent everyone away. Before I could get up and talk to Will I was pick up from behind. "Boo." I turned to see a masked man. "Hi Dream!" I smiled. "What are you doing up here? You don't even know what an election is?" He questioned. "Nope, I just liked how high the stage was." I smiled once more. "Right well we need to get you home, you haven't eaten." As Dream put me on his hip the pink bobbed lady walked over with Wilbur. "Aw! Is this y/n?" The lady smiled at me. "Yep this is Y/n." Wilbur nodded. "Sorry to cut the introductions short but she needs to get home, she hasent eaten." Dream butted in. "Oh! Well she could have something from my bakery! On the house! Its just down there." The women pointed. "Oooo! Yes please! Can I Dream?" I asked. He seemed hesitant before answering "I don't see why not, have her back to my house by sun down." Dream instructed the women as he plopped me on the ground. I walked over as she offered me her hand to hold. I held her hand as she led me to her bakery. I could hear Wilbur yelling but couldn't really make out what was being said. "So y/n! My names Niki! I would have met you had you been here but of course you we're living with Dream." She smiled. "Mhm! He doesn't really let me do anything fun." I pouted. "He sounds like a protective dad!" She laughed. I giggled with her as we finally arrived at the small bakery, when we walked in I was immediately hit with the scent of freshly baked goods. She helped me onto a stool  and went out back to grab me a cookie. As I bit into it my mouth filled with sweet goodness. "This is really good!" I mumbled out. "Don't talk with your mouth full." She laughed. "But thank you." she added. As I was chomping she went out back to do something, When i heard the ring of a bell I turned my head to the front door to see Shlatt. "Hi!" I waved, catching the attention of the ram. "Oh uh hello, what are you doin here? Aren't you normal being hawk watched by Dream or Wilbur?" He questioned walking over to me. "Mhm! Dream let Niki take me to get some food!" I smiled. He patted me on the head as Niki walked in. "Oh! Uh.. Hello Shlatt! Can I help you?" The hesitant pinkette asked. "Yes, I need some donuts for me and a.. Friend." He replied. "Uh of course." Niki started packing some donuts in a box as the Ram looked around, he eventually put some money on the counter and Niki gave him the box. "Thanks, Bye y/n!" He smiled walking out. "Bye Mr Jshlatt!" I yelled back so he could hear me. "So you've met him?" Niki asked. "Mhm, only for a few minutes though." I answered.

Some time had passed and Niki had started walking me home. As we arrived at the Dream Team house she knocked, some shuffling could be heard before a Green man opened the door. "Dream!" I yelled jumping into his arms. He chuckled and picked me up. "Hello y/n, was she good?" He turned to Niki. "Yep! Good as gold." She smiled. "Very well, thank you." She nodded and turned away as Dream shut the door. "Time for bed."

Dream said. "Huh! Nooooo! I'm not tired." I pouted. "You say that everytime and as soon as I put you in bed you fall asleep."
He argued. "Not true!" He just shook his head and walked me upstairs. He helped me get into some Pjs and plopped me in my big bed. "Goodnight y/n." He pretended to give me a kiss on the forehead as he did most nights. "Nigh..." And I was out.



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