Questions One

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All right, I'll go first then. We'll both be answering the same questions, but if you have questions that apply just to him or me, we'll answer them separately.

First, a question from Benikai about the story this far:

I like the story a lot but I'm still having trouble figuring out where it's going. Soooooo my questions are: What will the atmosphere be like in the next chapters? How did you actually come to write this story? How much of which series is going to be used in this story? (So ​​for example: Miraculous 20%, Slime 30%, Original 50%. Something like that.)

The atmosphere will probably be Ticon ad-libbing half of everything to make him less embarassing than he actually was. (He has a bit of a crush, I won't say who.) 

How did I come to write this story? I think it was more like me looking at my life and thinking, 'Hey, if my life is this wacked up, I may as well make some profit out of it.'

Meanwhile as for how much of the story is what, the rest of the story involves the Miraculous world as the setting, but I really feel like the percent is Miraculous-30%, TTIGRAAS-25%, and _______-45%.

I also saw that some of you guys wanted to know why the heck that I didn't finish the explanation of the final universe. Well...I'll flash back to it later.

And he didn't want to embarass his crush.

Shut it.

Next question, who the heck am I. 

Well, I am his boss.

Yes, she is always this specific.

Question two-oh. 


Yeah, can we skip this one?

Heh. No. What species are you, and what species is your boss?

Well, I already said mine, sooo...




You gotta do it

I refuse

I will not hesitate to leak your browser history

How do you have my browser history?

*Ahem* Item one, why do f-

Alright alright!

I am an amalgamate, 50% Human, 50%...some other stuff.

You're gonna have to explain.

Who's the boss here? 

Who's my big sis who I can expose at any time I want?

...Fine. But you have to explain yourself after.

Well, let's start with how I look. I have long hair that goes all the way down my back and spreads in a wave that kinda reminds me of an orca.

Basically Nejire Hamado's hair.

You have a reference for everything, don't you.

Doin' my job.

Either way, my hair basically morphs and changes, like to green scales to blue fur to red tentacles to gold hands, etcetera etcetera etcetera. Kinda gets annoying whenever it grows too long, since it automatically regenerates when it's cut, so I have to absorb it again. And again. And again. And again. It does have its uses in combat though. Imagine getting hit with five hundred tons of morphing flesh while you're trying to kill a five foot eight girl. 

(Do not spar with her. I still have to pay for the therapist bills)

As for my skin, it slowly changes color, and occasionally shifts out of the spectrum of normal skin. The kind of skin changes too, but I can control that aspect when I need it to. All in all, I'm a kind of shapeshifter/human/demon/god/angel/mutant/morphling. 

She isn't kidding. That is literally our genetic line. The only reason i'm not an amalgamate is cuz I had my body prepicked for me by our kind and loving creator. 

Hey, be glad you got that species. 終わりの先駆者's are pretty powerful, and you got wolfman form. 

Great, now I have to explain MY species too. 


*Sigh* Anyway, 終わりの先駆者's are the beings that our creator is supposed to unleash in the final battle against the corruption that plagues the land, yada yada, we cleanse the land, but not before half of existence is wiped out. Then we go on to the next world that is plagued and we rinse and repeat for eternity. Yeah. Great. 

Each 終わりの先駆者 has a different form. I got wolfman, which is a blessing and a curse because A. It's the most powerful type and can use any of the powers of the other types, but B. I have to lead the rest of the 終わりの先駆者's at doomsday. That's like giving a guy a bunch of leashes and shoving him in a room of rabid dogs. Half of the others don't even have human consiousness! They're just animals! 

Tell them about the other human types.

Alright alright, jeez. The other human types go in this order of hierarchy:

A: Wolfman: Can use all abilities and is destined to lead the final battle. There is and will always be only one in existence

B: Foxmen: They're the jack of all trades, with equal defense, offence, magic, movement, and abilities as the rest. Best known for their ability to shapeshift and cast illusions. There are four, and are destined to be the generals of the battle. Two female, one male, and one nonbinary.

C: Lionmen: They are the heavy hitters of the group, with powerful strength and speed, as well as the power of persistence. In essence, that means they don't die. You need to chop off their arms and legs, then decapitate their head and stab it. And even then you have to keep the blade lodged in their head for at least thirty seconds.

D:Dragonmen: They are the air force, with wings, thick and strong scales, the ability to breathe fire, and have an incredible aptitude for magic. They have the ability to shed their scales and manipulate them, whether that is using them as projectiles or making them into weapons or shields.

E: Snakemen: They are the scouts and strategists, with amazing agility and martial arts skills. They have the ability of hypnosis, however, they cannot tell the individual to do anything that involves conscious thought. 

F: Birdmen: They carry messages and are good in both air and ground combat. They appear similar to angels, however they have a similar ability to the dragonmen. They can shed feathers and fire them as projectiles or create things with them. 

G: Lizardmen: They have fin-like ears and a eel tail that helps them maneuver in whatever environment they are in. They are open kinetics, with the ability to manipulate their dominant element. Fishmen control water, compressing it to create blades, or just using it for other terms. Salamen control fire, and are completely immune to it. Flipmen control earth elements, and can use diver magic, which allows them to swim through solid objects. Finally, there are Glidemen, who are similar to Dragonmen, exept for their horns and tails. Glidemen manipulate air. 

There are a LOT more, literally one for every animal in the kingdom, so I'm not going to do it now, but if you request them in the comments, I'll do them in the beginning of every chapter.

I can also turn people into 終わりの先駆者's so-well, if you want me to turn Marinette or anyone else into one, vote in the comments. 

Anyway, that's all the questions, but if you have any more.

See you and good-bye!

Rimuru X Miraculous X ???Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora