Chapter 2

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They left the person on the balcony for them to find, along with a note explaining what was happening. They put another note in the person's hand, repeated in as many languages as possible, just in case they woke up before they got there. They met back at the tower five minutes later. "Well, now that that's done, what do we do now?" Rena asked.

Ladybug grinned and held up the box. "We eat some cake."


After they finished the cake, they went their separate ways. Cat landed on the roof of his mansion and slipped through his window, transforming back into his alter ego as Adrian agreste. His kwami, Plagg, swooped around in the air. "Wow, wow, wow. Did you see that girl? She looked awesome!" Adrian groaned. "I suppose you're going to ship us, matchmake, and tease me from now on?" Plagg nodded. He sighed.


Rena swung onto the patio of her apartment, shifting back to her real self as Alya Cesaire. (Been a while since I watched the show, let me know if I got the name right.) The first thing she did after changing was run to her computer and pull up her blog. "What are you doing Alya?" Trixx, her kwami, asked. "The girl that came out of that rift-thing." Alya said, not halting her fingers on the keyboard or taking her eyes off the screen. "I'm putting up an article about her, in case someone recognizes her or saw someone come out and wants to know what's going on."

Trixx thought for a second. "After I'm done making my draft, I'll look around online to see if there are any events going on, like the planets lining up in a specific way, or strange energy phenomena, anything." Trixx cocked her head quizzically. "Draft? Aren't you going to post it?" Alya shook her head, fingers blurring on the keyboard. "I'm already being questioned about my sources, and how I even get the news. If I post something like this just hours after the event happened, I'm going to get investigated." Trixx shivered, realizing the trap lying in wait. "I'm just going to write a draft for now and wait till tomorrow to post it. People will wonder, but they won't suspect me actually being one of the superheroes there." She continued. 

Trixx nodded. She yawned, realizing how late it was. "Shouldn't your parents or siblings be here?" She asked. "The house has been empty since this morning." Alya looked up. "They're off on their Africa trip. The kids can go because their winter break is already here, but I still have school, so I'm staying." She finished typing and sat back in her chair. "The trip'll be at least a month long, but thankfully they trust me." She grinned evilly, a glint in her eye. "Their worst mistake."

"Adrien's dad is off on a business trip, and his assistant went with him, so It's just his bodyguard, and he's dumb as a rock." She spun her chair in a circle. "Marinette's parents are off to Japan to see her uncle, and they left her too. She wanted to go, because apparently she has a friend named Fei there, but the tickets were too expensive, soo..." She jumped out of her chair and struck a pose. "Matchmaking sleepover!" Trixx cheered, but froze. "Wait...Marinette's parents are in Japan?" "Yup!" Alya responded cheerfully, but froze too. They slowly turned towards each other. "If her parents are in Japan..." She began slowly. "Then she's all alone there with the girl!" They shrieked in unison.


Ladybug landed in an alleyway  just outside of the bakery and untransformed. The person to walk out of that alleyway wasn't Ladybug, but Marinette herself. Her kwami, Tikki, flew around above her head. "Do you think that was a good idea Marinette?" Tikki asked. Marinette put her arms behind her head. "I mean, someone needs to keep an eye on her. And I don't know about Cat, but between me and Alya, the personality gap between me and my hero form is gigantic. Unless they see me transform, they aren't guessing who I am." (This is the part where Alya knows who Marinette is.) 

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