Chapter One

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"Another day in my life!" Rimuru said, staring out on the vast world beyond the window of his office. He marveled at the wonders he had created, allowing himself to soak it all in. The restaurants, the businesses, the homes, the lights, the city that he had built from the ground up. And beyond that, the natural beauty of the forest and mountains beyond. 

He smiled. "It's such a nice view." He smiled. "If only I could go out and enjoy it. I have all this paperwork to do." He turned to his desk, empty of everything except pens and pencils. He slapped his forehead. "Oh I forgot! I'm done, due to this amazing partner I have." 

{Thank you for your praise master, but it really was nothing.} 

Rimuru grinned.  "Cmon Ciel, I'd have been stuck here forever if it weren't for you! There was what, five thousand papers? That would have taken me months, and you did it in five hours!" Silence. He grinned. He could almost imagine her blushing. 

{ unworthy of your praise Master.} 

He sighed ."Stop calling me master. If you call yourself my wife, shouldn't we be equals? besides, without you, I'd be dead ten times over by now." Silence again. He knew he had her, and so did she. "Now, let's go on that walk."


The day was crisp and cool, and people were out on the streets. There were children playing,  women talking, and leaves were falling. 

He took it all in, walking down the paths and streets of the city he had made into a utopia. "Lord Rimuru!" someone yelled. He turned.

Shion was rushing at him. And here we go. "Heya Shion."

"Rimuru, you have to try this wonderful new dish I made!" She said holding up a plate. Rimuru braced himself, looked down, and saw...a cake? 

Rimuru looked at the cake, then at Shion, then at the cake and Shion again.  "You made this?" She nodded. {A paradox has occured.} Ciel reported. Yeah, I think I'm looking at it. Either this is a dream, or Shion made something...Good. {That is correct. The poison rate of this cake is that of none. No abnormal fluctuations in Shions vitals, showing she is telling the truth about making it.}

All he could do was stand there and nod. 

"Rimuru-sama!" And here comes problem number two. "Hey Shuna." "Rimuru, I have a very nice outfit for you!" He steeled himself, looked and...{Another paradox has occured.} 

He gaped. The outfit was very similar to his True Dragon one, with the same tank top and pants, but that was pretty much where the similarities ended. She had added a belt of golden circles around the waist, with  ornamentations of each of his evolutions, from slime to his godly form. 

The cape had been changed to an aura pattern of the former indigo of the original, and the light blue of his slime form. The colors slowly changed the longer he watched, from dark to light, dark to light. And that wasn't all.

There was a circlet, most likely made from a cooperation effort between Shuna and the blacksmiths. The circlet itself was simple, a band of gold around the head, and a space for a jewel in front. And that was where things went out the window. Set into the front of the circlet was a jewel that was swirling with enchantments and magic.  It was, hands down, the best outfit he had seen in his lifetime.

The only thing he could manage to say was, "My god." {My response also.} He shook himself from his daze. "These are amazing! Thank you two!" The girls blushed at his praise. "That reminds me, Hakurou sent for you." Shuna said, still blushing. "There's something he wants you to take a look at." He sighed. There goes my walk. 

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