💠Chapter Twenty💠

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Jessie was at home with Charlie, and
Ashley they just came back from Ruby Beach yesterday. Jessie was spending time with her uncle Charlie and Aunt Ashley whilst Bree was at Angela's for a sleepover," Charlie! Can I go see Paul soon?" Jessie asked." Maybe later," Charlie smiles.

"But!" Jessie says softly." Shh, I know you want to see him but he has to help Leah and Seth with patrol and getting used to the pack life," Ashley says softly kissing Jessie's head. Jessie nods and carries on drawing on her tablet.

"How about we take Wanda out for a walk?" Charlie suggests" Yeah!" Jessie says. Ashley, Charlie, and Jessie all head out for a walk with Wanda." So Jessie how are you enjoying Forks? It's been almost two years now," Charlie says with a soft smile.

"It was hard at first but everyone has made the transition from Seattle to here easier," Jessie says walking with Wanda."That's good Jessie I'm glad to hear that," Charlie says with a smile." Are you going to ask Ashley to marry you one day?" Jessie asked with a smile." Maybe why?" Charlie says with a smile." I like her and Bree too, they are family so why not?" Jessie says smiling brightly.

They resumed their walk and returned home to see Bella and the Cullens standing there." Hi Charlie," Carlise says with a smile." You can yet off my property now!" Charlie tells them firmly." Bella get in that house now!" Charlie yells." You five can leave my property!" Charlie tells them.

"We just want to talk with you," Edward says." He owes you all nothing, you injured his niece and abandoned his daughter in the woods,  and she has been nonstop screaming! So I suggest you all leave before I make you," Ashley warns showing her red magic as Paul pulls up.

"I suggest you do as you are told, you were all warned not to come to this house again," Paul says making his presence known to the Cullens." Of course, we will go," Carlisle apologizes and they all head back home.

Jessie runs to Paul who happily hugs her," Hey monkey, how would you like to come and stay at Rhea's house?" Paul says with a smile. Jessie looks at Charlie and Ashley," Alright go and get a bag together then," Charlie winks. Jessie grins and runs inside to grab her overnight bag," Ready!" Jessie smiles.

Paul gets Jessie in her car seat and heads to Rhea's house."Quil has phased too by the way and imprinted on Morgan," Paul tells Jessie." Aww, that's cute, but I thought you wouldn't let me be around newly phased wolves?" Jessie questions." I trust Quil and Seth," Paul says with a smile.

Paul pulls up to the house and Seth comes running out with Mavis, Jake, Liv, and Morgan in tow." Hey Jessie, we're having a sleepover at mine if you like to come with us?" Seth offers."I'd like to!" Jessie nods. Right come on let's go and have dinner and then you lot can go to Seth's for a sleepover," Paul says with a smile.

"You're coming too!" Jessie says with a grin." I don't know I got to ask Sam first," Paul says making Jessie frown." Then I'll ask him!" Jessie says running inside looking for Sam.

"Rhea, Where's Sam?" Jessie asked." Upstairs why what's wrong?" Rhea asked." I want Paul to come to the sleepover as Quil, Jake, and Seth have their imprints but I don't have Paul," Jessie explains sadly.

"I'll deal with Sam so go tell Paul to go with you," Rhea winks with a smile. Jessie smiles and hugs Rhea," Thank you!" Jessie grins." Come on get your dinner!" Rhea shouts.

The pack all filled in and began to have a cooked dinner," Sam, Paul is going to the sleepover with Jess, don't even argue with us on that," Rhea said with a soft smile and a wink." No problem, I was gonna let him go with them anyways," Sam grins.

Jessie grins at Paul who gives Sam a nod in thanks and he, Jake, Quil, Seth, and the girls head to Seth's home. Seth, Jake, Paul, and Quil phase to let the girls all go on their backs to Seth's house.

Mavis helped Jessie onto Paul's back, as Paul used his wolf head to lift her onto Seth's back. Liv and Morgan climbed onto both Quil's and Jake's back and Seth led the way home. Jessie squealed happily at the run home.

Mavis climbed down and helped the girls down as the boys phased back. Sue set up the guest rooms and got the overnight sleeping bags and snacks out. The seven of them put a movie on and laid down together to watch the film.

Jessie was lying with Paul as Morgan snuggled into Quil's chest, Liv and Jacob both lay together and Seth and Mavis lay in one another's arms. They enjoyed the sleepover with no drama no interruptions and no vampires or their problems.


Chapter 20 is done ✔️ Jessie is spending time with her friends 💕 

10 more Chapters to go!

A/N- Embry's book will be out when 27 Chapters are done!

Ready for more!

Now it's gonna be very interesting from here on out!!

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