🏵Chapter four🏵

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Jessie was getting ready to go to the graveyard to put flowers on her mother's grave with Charlie. Charlie got the call for Jessie to see Dr Cullen for her autism and Jessie has been made aware of this."Ready Jessie?" Charlie asked."Ready," Jessie nods.

The two head off to the graveyard and Jessie makes her way to her mom's grave, Charlie stays by the car but keeps his eye on Jessie.

"Hi Mama, it's Jessie. I know you're not here right now but I wanted to tell you about my adventures. Paul is my favourite person now, he keeps me happy and calm," Jessie begins to say.

"He makes sure I'm comfortable and everyone isn't being too noisy for me. I have two big wolves visiting me and they are very fluffy and I like them, I wish you could meet them, mama," Jessie says sadly.

"I know you sent Paul my way and the wolves so thank you, Mommy, I have to go mama I got to see someone about my autism since I live here now, bye mama stay in the stars so I can find you," Jessie says softly.

Jessie puts her flowers down and heads over to Charlie who hugs her seeing her eye-watering.

"She will always be with you, Jessie," Charlie says gently."Have I got to see that doctor now?" Jessie asked.

"Yes, he only wants to know about you because of your referral," Charlie says gently."Why can't I have Sue? I like her," Jessie says unhappily.

"She understands me, and I like her," Jessie says softly."I know, I'll see what I can do for now we'll see him and ask for you to be transferred to Sue's clinic okay?" Charlie says with a smile.

Jessie nods but is extremely uncomfortable and starts to rock and cross her arms.

They get to the hospital and Jessie sits nervously and uncomfortable with the prospect of seeing someone new. She rocks so uncomfortably.

"Jessie Swan?" They hear a male voice talk. They look to see Dr Cullen standing there and they head into his office. Jessie sits on a chair furthest away from Carlisle.

"So this appointment is me getting to know Jessie and her additional needs to help her better," Carlise says.

"She is six years old and has been diagnosed with Asperger's syndrome or Autism. She has ear defenders as she doesn't like noise and she is not one for physical contact much unless she wants to be near someone," Charlie tells Carlise.

Esme goes up to Jessie and kneels near her."Hello, I'm Esme nice to meet you," Esme says softly.

Jessie didn't respond she wasn't concentrating and Esme tapped Jessie."Don't touch me!" Jessie freaks out, she hits Esme before pushing her over.

Jessie rocks back and forth uncomfortable with the environment and Charlie goes up to her.

"Jess hey, it's alright do you want your ear defenders?" Charlie asked showing her ear defenders. Jessie takes them and places them on her head and slowly calms down.

"I want Sue to look after me if I'm sick, I like her! Don't make me come here!" Jessie says shaking.

"Alright Jess we'll sort it for you, I don't want to upset you further," Charlie says gently.

Jessie nods and she hugs Charlie and he hugs her. She gets tired and falls asleep on Charlie's hip.

"I apologize for her but she doesn't feel comfortable here would you mind sending her referral to Sue Clearwater down the reservation please as I want Jessie comfortable and safe," Charlie explains.

"Of course, I'll get that done now, goodbye Charlie," Carlise nods. Charlie and Jessie head out and Charlie gets to Jessie's level.

"I'm so sorry I put you in that position, Jess how about me and you go for dinner at my friend Cora's diner for lunch and then we can watch movies for the rest of the day?" Charlie says with a soft smile.

"I'd like that, can Paul come to visit?" Jessie wonders."I'll phone Sam to see if Paul is around after we have eaten," Charlie nods.

Jessie nods and they go to dinner first and enjoy a meal together Charlie takes them home for a movie and popcorn.

Charlie gets on the phone with Sam who answers."Hiya Sam, is Paul around?" Charlie asks politely."He is Yes why?" Sam asks.

"Jess wants him to come and join us for a movie and popcorn, she had a meltdown and wants Paul with her if he doesn't mind and you don't either?" Charlie says politely.

"He's on his way," Sam says."Thank you, is she still okay to come over tomorrow as I'm working?" Charlie asks.

"Of course, see you tomorrow Charlie," Sam says."See you tomorrow," Charlie says. Charlie turns to Jessie who is waiting for Charlie to finish his call.

"Paul is on his way here, so get your film on and get comfy okay sweetheart," Charlie says with a smile."I like Paul he's funny and he is a gentleman," Jessie says softly.

"He's a good lad, Jessie you know how you're going to Sam's tomorrow?" Charlie says."Uh-huh?" Jessie nods.

"Just this once I'll let Paul stay over and he and you can go back to Sam together tomorrow if you like?" Charlie says. "Yes please!" Jessie shouts happily.

Half an hour later Paul arrived in his car and he knocked on the door. Jessie opens the door and smiles at her favorite person.

"PAUL!!" Jessie squeals."Hey you, I heard you got upset are you okay now?" Paul says hugging her."Yes because Sue is now my doctor, not Doctor Cullen," Jessie says softly.

"Paul, I've spoken to Sam and I've said that you and Jessie will go to his together tomorrow morning save you going back late at night if you are okay with that?" Charlie tells him.

"That's fine sir," Paul nods."Charlie would be fine Paul, the sofa is yours for the night," Charlie informs him.

They all watched family films had pizza and Jessie fell asleep on Paul's chest. Charlie smiled at how the hothead of the reservation was calming for a little girl like Jessie.

"Paul, would you like to place her in bed for me, please?" Charlie asked."Yes Charlie," Paul nods. Paul carries a sleeping Jessie and smells Edward in the house and isn't happy about this.

Charlie retired to bed and Paul kept guard all night and kept checking on Jessie."Paul?" Jessie says tiredly."Yes, monkey?' Paul says jogging over to her side."Can you sleep in my bed? I don't think I want to be alone tonight?" Jessie says sadly.

"Of course, move over a little and I'll lay with you," Paul says with a soft smile. Jessie shuffles over and Paul lays on the bed Jessie lays on his chest and falls asleep once more."I got you Jess always," Paul whispers.

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Chapter four is done ✔️ Jessie has met Carlise and Esme, she is all Paul officially and doesn't like it when she has to meet someone who she doesn't want to see.

The next chapter is about Jessie spending time with the pack and Bella's birthday and Jessie gets taken to the birthday bash.


1. Favourite part so far in the book?

2. Favourite bond in the book?

3. Who is loving Paul's gentle side?

4. Who's excited for Embry and Jake to join the pack?

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