5 year old Daughter: Lelianie Moana Anoa'i.

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A/N: This chapter is about Leati Joseph "Joe" Anoa'i Ring Name: Roman Reigns and his Girlfriend: LaNyce Marie Levesque Ring Name: Christina Helmsley their Daughter is 5 years old and let's see what happens next.

" mommy and daddy when can I have a brother or sister please?" as Lelianie said.

" well princess that's up to mommy and daddy ok" as LaNyce said.

" yes babygirl that's up to mommy and daddy ok, can you wait for that please" as Joe said.

" yes ok mommy and daddy" as Leilanie said.

" so what are we going to do today Sir My Tribal Chief sir?" as Paul said.

" we need to think of a plan My Wiseman" as Joe said.

" Yes my Tribal Chief sir" as Paul said.

Here some cute 😍 pictures of our daughter Leilanie Moana Anoa'i.

Here some cute 😍 pictures of our daughter Leilanie Moana Anoa'i

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" Wow babygirl you look beautiful 😍 just like you're mommy ❤️" as Joe said

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" Wow babygirl you look beautiful 😍 just like you're mommy ❤️" as Joe said.

" Aww thank you daddy" as Leilanie said.

" You're welcome babygirl and love you" as Joe said.

" love you too babygirl" as Joe said.

" Hey babe our daughter Leilanie look beautiful as me and but also she has some of your figure too" as LaNyce said.

" Yes that's true baby and but she has more of you" as Joe said.

" Ok yes that's true babe" as LaNyce said.

" Hey baby I have one question when do you want to start having another baby?" as Joe said.

" Wait babe are you serious right now?" as LaNyce said.

" Well yeah I am serious baby and I want us to start to have another baby and I miss having a baby in our house and will you accept my offer as not just as your best friend, your lover and boyfriend, fiancee and husband and but as your Tribal Chief Daddy would you please baby" as Joe said.

" Yes I would love to baby and but also I would have to give up my Women's Undisputed WWE Universal Championship and give it to Nick Aldias our smackdown General Manager are you ok with that? or do you want me to give to my brother Triple H?" as LaNyce said.

" Baby if you have to give up your Women's Undisputed WWE Universal Championship give to your brother Triple H I trust him more than I trust Nick Aldias ok baby?" as Joe said.

" ok babe I'll give my Women's Undisputed WWE Universal Championship to my brother Triple H" as LaNyce said.

" Aww thank you baby and I love you so much" as Joe said.

" You're welcome babe and I love you too so much" as LaNyce said.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 13 ⏰

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