Extreme Rules/ Christina is 4 months pregnant.

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Christina POV: I was backstage with Joe aka: Roman my boyfriend and I'm 4 months pregnant with his baby and we can't wait for the sex of our baby is, so I'm trying to get Roman to relax for his match againest the demon king Finn Balor at Extreme R...

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Christina POV: I was backstage with Joe aka: Roman my boyfriend and I'm 4 months pregnant with his baby and we can't wait for the sex of our baby is, so I'm trying to get Roman to relax for his match againest the demon king Finn Balor at Extreme Rules 2021 will be presented live Saturday night from Nationwide Arena in Columbus, Ohio.

Roman:"Hey baby, I hope I win tonight for my Universal Championship againest The Demon King Finn Balor" as he say.

Christina:" Awwww babe, of course you will win tonight match aginest The Demon King Finn Balor you can do it, babe I believe in you, so does our baby does too" as I say.

Roman:" Awwww thank you baby" as he say and rubs and kisses the baby stomach of his pregnant girlfriend Christina.

2021 WWE Extreme Rules results, grades

Carmella vs. Liv Morgan: Carmella got off to a hot start, roughhousing Morgan around the ring. Morgan continued trying to fight back but Carmella continued to maintain control until the match went outside the ring and managed to drive Carmella into the announce table. After taking the match back into the ring, Morgan hit the oblivion slingshot flatliner to score the pinfall and pick up a big win that should put her in line to be a future title challenger on SmackDown. This was the standard 10-ish minute match on the kickoff to get things going and went fairly smoothly. Liv Morgan def. Carmella via pinfall. Grade: B- 👍

The New Day vs. Bobby Lashley, AJ Styles & Omos: Styles nearly locked up a calf crusher on Xavier Woods seconds into the match but couldn't get the finish. A bit of trash talk from Styles brought Big E into the ring to briefly take advantage before Lashley began dominating the match. Kingston was cut off in the heel corner, trying -- and failing -- to battle his way through the powerhouse duo of Lashley and Omos. Kingston took a lot of offense while Lashley made sure he could not make the tag to Big E, taking out the men on the apron before trapping Kingston in the corner yet again before a hot tag to Xavier Woods, with Woods going on a brief run before a Lashley powerslam allowed him to take control once again. Woods was eventually able to make the hot tag to Big E, with the WWE champion taking out Omos and Lashley on the ring apron before focusing his attack on Styles. A brawl broke out outside the ring before Lashley attempted a blind tag to enter the match only to have Big E send a Lashley spear into AJ Styles before hitting a Big Ending on Lashley to score the win in a very fun six-man tag match. The New Day def. Bobby Lashley, AJ Styles & Omos via pinfall. Grade: B 👍

SmackDown Tag Team Championship -- The Usos (c) vs. The Street Profits: Montez Ford had his ribs taped up after he match with -- and post-match attack from -- Roman Reigns on SmackDown. Ford showed a bit of fire in taking the fight to the Usos early before a blind tag allowed The Usos to get an early upper hand. Ford was eventually able to make the hot tag to Angelo Dawkins, with Dawkins going on a hot run before tagging Ford back in to hit a blockbuster for a near fall. The tags continued until Ford returned to the ring with a big frog splash only to have Jimmy Uso get his knees up to counter for a near fall. Ford still managed to hit his massive frog splash on Jey Uso for a near fall before Jimmy broke up the pin. Dawkins made a save from a double superkick only to have Ford eat the kicks anyway before The Usos hit a double splash to score the pin and retain the titles. Solid tag wrestling all around before a nice, clean finish. The Usos (c) def. The Street Profits to retain the titles. Grade: B 👍

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