Prologue: Awaken

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They say having a family is the best thing that happened to a person and have a lot of relatives to be wit friends to be with siblings to talk and play with and finally a mother and father who will be with you and teach everything that you need to know of what's happening to the world and love you unconditionally.

But that's not what our blonde protagonist is feeling Naruto Uzumaki-Namikaze 4 years old who is the first born of 4th Hokage Minato Namikaze and Kushina Uzumaki who supposedly become head clan to either the Uzumaki or Namikaze but that has been taken away from him by his Sibling Menma his brother who has a large ego thanks to the influence of Jiraiya AKA the "Toad Master" and his Minato's sensei who he considered him as a father since he been with them for a long time and lastly his sister Natsumi who is trained under by Tsunade Senju the Last Senju heir and both of them are his god parents, that is if they still consider him as there godson since they have been busy training his other siblings.

Naruto wanted to train with them he ask his parents if they could train but they decline and said that there training is very important Naruto insist that he will keep up with his siblings but still refuses but when he plead one more time Kushina snap at him that that made him quite as she realize what she has done she tried to apologize for it but before she could Naruto run away tears rolling down to his cheeks, His parents shouted out his name but he ignored it and kept on running no where to go until he stop at the playground as he just sat there hugging his knees as he sat by the tree where the branches and leaves cover the sun he didn't leave the place until sun down he didn't realize that it was already late but he didn't care since he notice that no one in his family are looking for him when he notice that the sun has already gone he decided to head home.

As he heads home he saw people looking at him with disgust as but he just ignored it and walk faster as reaches his home he went to open the door but it was lock which shock him, he tried to open it again but it was really locked he then checked through the window and saw his family are having a dinner with there god parents smiling and laughing together like a family, completely forgetting there first born child outside alone forgotten. Something inside in Naruto can be seen a small crack in the center and little by little it started to grow before stopping something was breaking inside of Naruto but not the seal of the Kyubi but something else.

Another years has passed and Naruto is till being ignored and favors his 2  siblings since they've been ignoring him he became distant to them not even acknowledging his godparents even Shizune who's been on Tsunade's side all the time she use to play with them before but now she was busy handling the hospital and training Natsumi. Whenever they started training, Naruto always went out and not coming back until night and during those times he has a spare key to his house instead of asking his parents since there preoccupied as always, he went to the park again where he saw the same tree where he always stay once he settle down he grabbed his scroll and started reading all different Jutsu that available. The scroll was given to him by the librarian where he always visits and studies every Jutsu in the library and he already finish reading all the basics he wanted a advanced learning but the librarian said that he needs to graduate the Nina academy first but he didn't want to wait any longer so the Librarian made a bet with Naruto he betted if he can walk onto the tree without using any hands he will give him a few advanced technique Naruto immediately accepted it with no hesitation and not even 3 days later he showed him that he did it easily which shocked the librarian and he is a man of his word he gave him 8 different scrolls, 5 different elements scroll 1 Taijutsu scroll 1 Ninjutsu scroll, and 1 Genjutsu scroll Naruto was shock that he given to him with this kind of many but the Librarian insisted that Naruto should keep it since they will only keep collecting dust and no people visit the Library anymore which Naruto is very Thankful for it.

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