The Healing Of Konoha

Start from the beginning

Sakura : Sarada Boruto is awake 

Sarada : Really ? I am coming right now

Sarada arrives with Saruto........

Sarada enters Boruto's room where he was sitting with his face outside the window....

Sarada : B...B...Boruto ?

Boruto : Huh!? Oh hey Sara.......

Boruto was cut off by Sarada who came and hugged Boruto tightly ......

Sarada : -crying- You know how much scared I was about you leaving us ?

Boruto : -rubbing Sarada's back- Don't be scared I'm not going anywhere I will stay right here 

Sarada : But still-crying-

Boruto : Sarada don't cry I'm here now get up 

Saruto : Dad you are awake...

Boruto : Huh!? Hey Son will you not give a hug to your father

Saruto launched himself towards Boruto and Boruto recieved it and sat Saruto in his lap

Saruto : -hugging Boruto- Welcome back Dad 

Boruto : Yeah son I'm back 

Sakura : -entering room- Oh am I disturbing an family moment

Boruto : No Aunt Sakura you must have come to say something important

Sakura : Yeah I have checked all your reports and you seem completely fine we can discharge you in 1 hour 

Boruto : Thanks Aunt Sakura . Sarada can you stay here for one hour then we can return home

Sarada : Of course I am at your side all time 

Boruto : -gentle smile- -the smile which made Sarada love Boruto-

After one hour.......

Boruto and his family leave the hospital and headed towards their parents house..........

Boruto: -knock knock-

Hinata : Coming

Hinata opens door and happy to see Boruto Sarada and Saruto....

Hinata : Boruto!!

Hinata hugs Boruto and behaves likes Boruto is still a child.......

Boruto : Mom I am grown I am married too

Hinata : But in front of me you are still that little kid

Sarada : -chuckles- 

Boruto : Sarada let's go inside 

Sarada : Okay

All of them enter the house and enter the living room to see Naruto sitting on the couch....

Naruto :-surprised- Boruto !!!

Boruto : Hey old man 

Naruto : So healed after the battle 

Boruto : Yeah Kind of

Saruto : Grandpa how are you ?

Naruto : I am fine Saruto how are you ?

Saruto : I am good 

Naruto :-turns towards Boruto- So Hokage-Sama got enough rest from work

Boruto : Yeah I will join from tomorrow

Naruto : So why you came here ?

Boruto : Just to spend some family time and probably eat lunch if you don't mind

Naruto : Absolutely not

Hinata : So I'm going to make lunch

Sarada : Let me help you

Hinata : Thanks Sarada

They left for the kitchen......

Boruto : Saruto if you want you can go meet your friends but return before lunch

Saruto : Okay thanks Dad

Saruto left.....

Naruto : So how are you feeling after becoming a father ?

Boruto : Good but sometimes tiring

Naruto : -laughs- Anyways why did you really come tell me now 

Boruto : You are smart Dad but first call Uncle Sasuke

Naruto : Okay -calls Sasuke- Sasuke can you come to my house 

Sasuke : Okay arriving in 5 minutes

Sasuke came......

Sasuke : Oh Boruto you are here so does that mean 

Boruto : Yeah Sarada is also here she is in the kitchen with Mom and Saruto went to meet his friends

Sasuke : So why did you call us ?

Boruto : Yes I want to talk about some events which are occuring in recent days

Naruto : What do you mean ?

Boruto : I got many messages from the five great nations that the attacks in all the villages are increasing each day

Sasuke : So does that mean that some new organisation has emerged?

Boruto : I guess you are right 

Naruto : Some organisation either part of Kara or some new Kara 

Boruto : Yes and we got some mysterious coordinates from one abandoned base

Naruto : What type of coordinates ?

Boruto took out a paper from his pocket......

Boruto : Here 

Sasuke : These are some coordinates away from here and in another dimension but it is not understandable

Boruto : Yes but we decoded it using the scientific ninja tools department

Naruto : So what does it say ?

Boruto : The coordinates here are 852 in x-axis 85 in y-axis and -956 in z-axis

Naruto : So what is here ?

Guys the next chapter is gonna be interesting . And what do you think about the coordinates

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