Chapter 21 Tiny Feathers

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Kai automatically whisked me off my feet and ran towards the bathroom. Before I could protest that I was fine, I threw up once more.

"Get. Me. Elena!" I said in between gasps for air and puking my guts out.

Kai, looking petrified, ran for the hallway and I could hear him shouting for Elena as soon as he shut the door. Shit shit shit vampires don't get sick unless they're bit by a werewolf maybe it's my body reacting to the Phoenix DNA finally? Or maybe since I'm more human-ish now I get sick again too?

As I was trying to diagnose myself Damon, Kai, and Elena burst through the bathroom door again frantically asking what was wrong. I didn't trust myself to try and answer them verbally and settled for holding out my hand to stop them from coming in further.

"Only Elena because she has medical training and I don't want you two to see me like this. Out!" I finally managed to say before vomiting once more. They both gave an apologetic look and turned away, Elena quickly rushed to my side and began checking my temperature and pulse. "Melody you're burning up and your pulse is racing."

"Elena I'm not trying to be a bitch but..." Vomit. "I'm a firebird and a vampire that explains those two thing why am I puking my guts out."

She gave an eye roll coupled with an apologetic glance before continuing to check for any other symptoms,

"Have you drank anything in a while any alcohol or bad blood?"

"No, just the regular diet, though I haven't been craving much blood lately but that could be the Phoenix thing too."

In a moment it seemed something clicked behind her eyes and she looked more urgently at me, "Wait are you craving anything else though?Any animal stuff or particular person or maybe just food?" I had to think for a moment before something popped into my head that made my mouth water. "Damon's pancakes. I've been eating them a lot lately."

"Uh this is awkward but how's your sex drive?"
I scrunched my nose but gave it an honest thought.
"Increasing?" I answered sheepishly.

"Do you feel yourself getting tired more often?"

"Kinda but if I'm sick that makes sense, why all the questions." She seemed to ponder for a moment before she stood up.

"Nothing just covering bases. I'm sending Kai and Damon back in here to watch you while I make a few calls."

"Uggggh." Was all I could respond with as she walked out. Not only were those two going to hover like mother hens but I felt another round of bile rising.

Elena's POV:

After slipping downstairs and seeing Damon and Kai in a glare-off I ushered both of them upstairs. Both too preoccupied with Melody's health they didn't bother asking where I was going thank goodness.

I rushed outside making sure I was a good distance from the house before opening my phone. Please pick up I began biting my nails as I heard the phone ring. "Hello?" She said after finally picking up. "Hey Hailey, it's Elena from Mystic Falls I got an important question to ask you."

"Sure what is it." She said sounding a bit perplexed.

"What do you know about supernatural beings getting pregnant?"
Melody's POV:

When Elena finally came back she shooed the boys out of the room and told Damon to go call Stefan and tell him to get over here and that Caroline was on her way too.

"What's going on?" I asked still light headed but thankful the vomiting had stopped.

"Hey sweetheart are you ok." Elena had on her mom voice, something was up.

"Uh, yeah what's up with Caroline coming over."

"Well, girl talk for a minute, what have you found out about Phoenixes?" I thought over it for a second.

"Well not much just that my healing ability isn't as great and that I'm probably gonna keep any scars or burns I get until I die, turn to ash then get reborn. It's like I'm more human again." I finished a bit suspicious.

"I'm here with the stuff! Damon and Kai are very nosey they almost saw what I have!" Care chirped as she walked in through the bathroom door eyeing me and Elena sitting on the floor in front of the toilet. I almost gave her a sympathetic look, she's still here taking care of her friends when she should be with her mom.

I can tell she hasn't been taking care of herself either cause even through her makeup I could see the dark circles around her eyes.

"Hey, what do you got?" I asked before Elena grabbed my shoulders and turned me to face her.

"Listen to me Melody and don't freak out cause the boys are listening in and this may or may not be what's happening to you so please... Don't. Freak. Out."

"Ok" I chuckled what was so bad? Then I saw it. Caroline pulled it out of the bag when she turned on the sink and my stomach literally dropped out of my ass when I saw it. A pregnancy test.

"Do you want us to give you privacy or are you ok with us just turning around?"

"Guys I don't even know if I can get up onto the toilet by myself right now." With that they both gave a weak laugh then helped me figure out how to use it. After I peed on about four sticks we set them on the counter and waited.

"Times up." Caroline said after what felt like years of sitting on the floor curled into a ball. She had her lips pressed into a thin line and glanced over at the tests, then to me with an expectant glint in her eye. I hope she won't be too hurt if I were to be pregnant. She was always the one I envisioned living a happy normal human life.

She cleared her throat and my thoughts soon turned over to the tests. What if they were positive what would Kai do? How would he react? Would he run for the hills? Would he kill me if it turns out to be twins since he wants to stay the leader so bad?

"One of you guys look at it I don't know if I could bring myself to do it." Then Elena gave me one last look as she slowly walked over to the sink giving me a chance to say stop if I changed my mind I guess. When she looked down she narrowed her eyes and examined all of them quietly, when she was done she scooped them up and sat next to me. "Do you want me to tell him or should you?" She said as they were fanned out in her hand.

All showing a little, pink, plus.

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