Chapter 13 Perfect Distractions

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After stumbling back into the house I turned to see Damon coming down the hall. I was about to walk towards him when the effects of draining finally hit me and I fell to the floor on my wobbly hands and knees.

Damon took quick notice and rushed to my side, "Melody what the hell happened? Wait, did Kai do this!?" He asked, voice raising in the midst of his panic with realization but I was fading and was only able to mutter "yes" before falling into his arms.
When I awoke I was laying on a bed no longer in my tennis shoes and short shorts, but a dress? It was tight fitted around the top and flared out at the hips. It was bright red fading down to orange then white like fire as it fell to the floor.

I noticed a mirror in the corner of the room and gasped at my reflection. My hair was in a low messy bun apart from my feathers which now had a gold chain connected to them instead of my normal silver one and my makeup was outrageous, yet beautifully intricate with red lined in gold eyeshadow.

I exited the strange bedroom only to stumble into a large ballroom. I knew I must have been dreaming but it felt all too real. The silky dress, the intricate  makeup, even a chill in the air that passed through the giant room.

Columns lined the sides and a giant crystal chandelier hung gracefully in the center, yet the thing that caught my eye the most was on the other end of the vast and empty room; a man with his back to me. He seemed unaware of my presence and I hesitated before calling out to him.

When he turned I gasped not expecting Kai, especially not in a suit. "Well, well, well, look at you." He smiled looking me over. Though that reminded me of the beginning to one of my favorite songs I wasn't having it.

"Where are we Kai." I said sounding daring and threatening. After the stunt he pulled I couldn't forgive him.
"We're exactly where you wanna be sweetheart you just didn't know you wanted it." He sounded oddly sincere making me worried but before I could ask what the hell that meant he poofed in front of me and was dipping me down into a passionate kiss.

I bolted upright gasping. I was back in my bed, in my room, the rush came to me a few minutes later and I groaned at my now present headache. When the pain subsided enough I looked around and noticed that it was incredibly dark outside and in the room but not enough that I didn't notice the figure in the corner.

"You know it's rude to intrude on people's nightmares." I said not realizing how exhausted I was until it filled my voice and made me flinch. "Are you sure that was a nightmare? You seemed to enjoy it."
"Ew gross."
"Well maybe not then I just figured you liked it since you sighed and smiled in your sleep, you know when we kissed." Kai's face was barely visible in the dark but I could still make out a smirk on his face. "And I can't make up whatever dream I want it has to come from one of the persons pervious fantasies." "What do you want Kai?"

"Just figured we could talk like civilized people since my other attempts haven't really worked for me." He says striding across the room confidently, yet looking down.
"Ah, right well could you come sit on the bed and apologize? I am very exhausted after some maniac tried to suck the life out of me." I spat.

"Gasp! The nerve of some people." Kai said in mock surprise, he flashed a cheeky smile and I just grumbled incoherently and laid back down. He came over to the bed, quickly kicked off his shoes and laid on top of the covers next to me. "You know this is the fastest any girls taken me to bed before." He said with a smirk, I just snorted in retort and chucked a pillow at him.

His face went slack and he sighed, "I'm don't know what it is Mel I just feel guilty like I have to apologize, you ignored me so I lashed out and clearly it did a number on you but don't worry I won't kidnap you now." He said hardly sounding as sincere as he was in the dream.

"Mmmmm such a gentleman word of advice though pain isn't a good negotiator when you wanna talk." I murmured closing my eyes as he brushes a stray piece of hair behind my ear. "If I didn't feel like I was sedated right now I'd break that hand." I purred, I purred!? I never purr. I growl.

He chuckled trailing a finger down my jaw. What the hell is happening! First time he actually hurt me and he feels sorry? Or maybe he just wants more info. Either way I was strangely enjoying the attention as my heart rate increased, all while I was practically beating myself up for being a complete idiot and not screaming out to Damon and Stefan right now.

"Can I ask you something?" Kai whispered gently.
"Mmmmhmmm." I yawned.
"Why do you wear these feathers in your hair all the time it makes you look crazy."
"Fashion statement." I mumbled as he caresses one in his hand, he didn't know how sensitive they were but I could feel the gentleness in his touch and it caused me to shiver.

"Ok let me ask you another question. What are you really because I know that nobody else can hurt me like that when I take their magic."
"Maybe I'm just an angel you can't corrupt and that's why I wear feathers." I replied with a snort. Oh god someone snap my neck now.

"If your an angel then I'm a saint." He said now tracing circles on my hand, he started getting up and I did what would have been unthinkable if I was in my right mind but clearly I wasn't. For some reason the thought of him going sent a sharp pain to my chest.

I grabbed his hand and with the vampire strength I had left pulled him back down next to me. "Stay just a little while longer." I whined tucking my head under his chin as he laid stiff probably scared shitless at what I would do if he said no. Huh. I thought. Funny how I can catch a psychopath off guard only when I'm acting like a drunken mess.

But he surprised me when he loosened up and wrapped his arm around me. Now exhausted and warm in his embrace and not giving a crap about how incredibly wrong the situation was I drifted off to sleep but not before I heard myself whisper. "I'll tell you the truth later."
The next morning I woke up feeling like I got hit by a truck, a few stray feathers falling around me as I stretch and extend my wings. I stopped and looked over next to me remembering the events of last night but Kai was nowhere in sight. I sigh thanking God he was the type to bail before I woke up however a bright blue sticky note was visible out of the corner of my eye on the nightstand.

"Thanks I had a great time last night XoXo- Kai." I groaned and tore it into tiny little pieces before dumping it into the trash can.

When I finally got out of bed I got dressed and went down stairs to find Damon, Stefan and pretty much everyone else. "Hey what's with the party? I don't think it's my birthday yet." I croaked in dire need of blood at the moment.

Damon gave a quick glance towards Steph before releasing a heavy sigh and looking towards me.

"Mel, Kai wants to do the merge tonight and since your closest to him you're in charge of distracting him."

So if you haven't already heard Kai is dead on the show but I was thinking maybe I could change up the season finale a bit maybe keep Elena alive too and just extend it through the summer or whatever. (If you have any suggestions feel free to comment) and as always thanks guys!!!!!!

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