Chapter 17 Shooting the breeze

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When I had finished breakfast I ran back to the room where the bathroom connected to it. Took a shower which was rudely interrupted by a very much shirtless Kai banging on the door,then I got dressed in last nights dress and ran out hoping to get out with just a quick kiss and a goodbye before Kai grabbed my arm quickly stopping me in my tracks. "Btw. Your brother still thinks I kidnapped you and probably wants to kill me." He said with a grin "Then don't come through the front door anymore." I giggled, kissed his cheek one last time and vamp sped out of there.
When I got to the boarding house it was still a bit dark outside and chilly. The cold seeped through to my bones as my bare legs shivered. I created a small fire to warm my hands as I walked around towards the back and jumped up to the balcony. I always kept an old credit card wedged between two bricks and covered by some vine that grew along the side of the house in case of emergencies like this where it was easy to swipe the lock on the double doors. When I got inside I shimmied out of the dress and threw on a T-shirt not bothering with shorts as I crawled under my covers once more and drifted off to sleep with dreams of the morning.

The next few weeks passed with various meetings and tragedies as the holidays had passed without me realizing and news of Caroline's mother having cancer hitting us all hard. I tried to sneak around with Kai but he seemed to mostly be busy until one morning as I was getting ready I decided to try one more time to plan something as I was bored with painting sketching and almost burning the house down. "Do you have any plans today" I texted to Kai
"Missing me already?

"You could say that..."

"Well you could come back over to my house and I could let you draw me like one of your French girls. ;)"

"How did you know I drew those?"


"Never mind meet me at my spot in a few."

"Fine, see you then."

After fixing up my hair again and applying a little makeup I swapped underwear for skinny jeans and my sleeping t-shirt for a cuter, nicer, top. I ran downstairs grabbed my bag which was by the door with my laptop and sketch pad in it when I remembered what I was gonna do in the first place. I turned and headed towards the kitchen where Damon sat with a glass of blood in his hand deep in thought. I sat across from him and began to speak, "Damon you know I love you right?"
"I would hope so." He said smirking before taking a sip of the blood. I gave a weak laugh. "But I love you too."
"And you know I tell you things when I feel like it's the right time right?"
"And you love me no matter what right?"
"For Petes sake Mel, spit it out."
I actually didn't know which was easier, the fact that I was a Phoenix now or that I was dating Kai.
"I'm not wearing these feathers as a fashion statement. I actually can't take them out 'cause they're apart of me now...I got into a bad pinch a few months ago and nobody could stop it, not even the boys but I got cursed and now I'm part Phoenix..." I rambled all the while Damon looking at me like I just told him I was pregnant. "Part Phoenix." He said as if slowly testing it. "Yeah" I said flashing him the eyes. I couldn't help but notice the horror that crossed his features for a few seconds before he went back to staring at the table in silence. I scooted my chair closer to him and rest my hand on his arm, "please don't hate me." I pleaded a tear rolling down my cheek that I didn't know had formed. He turned his head giving me a pity smile before wrapping me in a hug. "Mel you know I could never hate you." He said giving me a kiss on the head. We stayed like that for while just at ease with each other like old times, then I got up and got a blood bag. "So can I ask what that's changed about you?" He asked also standing up and walking over next to me. I lifted my shirt so he could see the ripple of flaming feathers trailing down my back interchanging to ink then embers. "Whoa." He said absentmindedly and I laughed. Then I told him about my vision and how I can produce flames, fly, and one I found out recently which was a screech that breaks glass. He didn't want to know how I found that trick. I checked my phone and sighed at the number of messages from Kai, "I gotta go run a few errands at the college, make sure Jo doesn't practice in my room." I warned before grabbing my bag and keys once more.

"Took you long enough." Kai said only mildly annoyed from the gazebo. After an hour or so of us eating sandwiches he had made and discussing random subjects Kai asked to see my wings once more so I laid on the bench as he sat on the floor and traced each feather now settled entirely back to ink. "Ok but what do they look like completely feathered and real." "Mm you know what they look like." I replied a bit sleepily. The tracing was soothing. "Yeah but not up close." I gave him a "really" look. "Can I just see them?" I sighed and unhooked my bra still laying flat so it still covered me as I flared open my wings hearing the familiar sizzling of my skin ghostly burning underneath them. He touched them carefully, mindful of my reaction to people touching them. "Does it hurt?" He asked sounding a bit distant and sad. "Every time." I said slowly and he looked at my face giving a small smile, then his eyes lit up. "Can you fly?" I remembered that night and shivered. I managed to hook my bra back with my wings out and hopped off the side of the gazebo to face the query. I ran and at the last moment jumped towards the water and with one powerful downstroke lifted myself in the air. Now seeing Kai's giddy face on the shore line as I flew toward him I grabbed him under his arms and lifted him only a few feet off the ground. He gave out a shaky laugh and I set him back down before maintaining a hover about ten feet up mindful not to go above the tree line. "Ok I get it your all powerful and cool." He yelled up to me as I tried to land but ended up falling once again. "Yeah I don't do it often." I said rubbing my head as he knelt down next to me. I looked into his eyes trying to read his expression. "Why don't you allow yourself to feel something for everyone else? why just me?" I said dropping the heavy questions now, I guess I really didn't want to know the answer in case what we were doing was a trick too but I felt like I had to. If not for anyone else for my own sanity. "I don't actually know myself you just bring out something inside me I thought wasn't there." He whispered as if it were his darkest secret but I just smiled and reached a hand up to his cheek to pull his face towards mine. I've always thought the small kisses were the sweetest. As I pulled away I could of sworn he sighed as I got up and pulled my shirt back on, the winter breeze getting to me as I reached into my bag and pulled out my laptop. "Uh I'm not very technology savvy but I'm pretty sure that's not gonna work out here." Kai joked as he made his way over to where I was sitting back on the gazebo swing. " I know but I saved this one article on here about Phoenix's that I didn't quite finish. As I read I was only half paying attention to what I was reading as he lifted me into his lap and began kissing my neck which if I hadn't said before was extremely sensitive. I tried to keep reading but only noticed when I got to one particular paragraph. "Hey, wait get this. Though they are immortal, phoenixes are more susceptible to scars, wounds and bruises as they have to die, unlike other immortal creatures, before being reborn. So that's why I didn't heal right away the other night, I'll keep whatever scars I get until I bite it." I was feeling somewhere between curious and horrified at this news so I closed the laptop and turned to Kai. "Snap my neck." I quipped, he responded by looking at me like I just grew two heads. "Why?"
"As in you die and possibly get reborn."
"Well when you put it like that." I snorted. But he wasn't having it and shook his head. "Nope I haven't had a girlfriend in a while but I'm pretty sure snapping her neck isn't the best way to maintain a stable relationship.""Oh, call me your girlfriend again I get all tingly when you say it." I smirked, but he was trying not to smile. "Come on. Damon and Stefan do it all the time. It's not like I'll die forever I'll come back." He seemed to battle with himself before sighing, I thought he had caved. "Melody don't ever ask me to do that again." He said now completely serious as he stood towering over me once again as his rich blue eyes seemed to darken a bit. "Yessir." I gulp transfixed on how intimidating he really could be.

I kept reading and it became more and more apparent to me that I would be more like an immortal werewolf with powers than a vampire type immortal with healing capabilities. I set down my laptop and made my way over to the shore. As I picked up the nearest rock I sliced it across my palm noticing it didn't quite hurt but took longer than normal to heal. Kai didn't seem bothered that his girlfriend looked like she belonged in a straight jacket as he had already grumbled goodbye before leaving. When I finished the article I noticed most of it seemed fake and the rest was rituals and Native American stuff I didn't understand. When I went to put my laptop away I noticed my sketchbook laying on the bench flipped to a picture of Kai I had drawn a few days ago. I hope you can forgive me was all that was written and when I started walking towards home my phone stared blaring.

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