chapter 19

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Today is the day when y/n planed to take toji out.

' Now I have to take another brat out. Stupid brats, get jealous so easily. Do they think I have all the time in the world? '

Y/n thought with a tired sigh. But then her phone rang


She smirked


"Lady hokage"

"What's the news anko?"

" My lady, we have tortured this old hag as much as possible. He's now unconscious. What do you want me to do now, lady hokage?"

Y/n let's out a laugh

"Take him back where you got him from."

"Of course, my lady. But I don't understand, why not kill him? His a nuisance after all."

"Oh! I just want to remind them who they are trying to mess with. They forgot who I am. This will just act like a reminder of what we ninjas can do."

She chuckled cruely again. From the other side she heard a giggle.

"You never fail to amuse me, mistress. Your wish is my command. It will be done."

With that she cut the call

Y/n smiled and got up from her chair. She had a brat to take care of.
Toji was helping Maki and megumi train. When he suddenly felt a tap on his shoulder.

When he looked back his eyes slitly waiden. It was y/n.

She looked at him and then at megumi and Maki.

"Kids that's enough. Go get lunch now. I gave yuji money and told him to take all of you out. Go to him and I don't want to hear no."

Both of them gulped and nodded. Leaving the adults alone.

"Did you have lunch?"

Again, Toji was surprised. But shook his head no to answer her.

"Okay come. We are going on a date. Don't ask questions just follow me."

Saying this she started to drag him with her. Toji's just followed her dumfounded. But as he understood that she asked him on a date, his lips pulled in his signature smirk.

Y/n took him to a huge restaurant. It didn't take you to be a genius to understand that this restaurant is expensive as hell.

But what confused Toji is that no else was in the restaurant.

He wrapped one of his arms around her waist, she looked up at him with a raised eyebrow

"Why is the restaurant empty."

She then looked forward

"I booked it for today."

To say he was surprised would be an understatement.

"You booked this whole restaurant for us? Why?"

"I wanted to talk to you and get to know you better. I know you want to too. I don't like to talk about my personal life Infront of random people. So hence I booked this restaurant yesterday."

This made him a little excited. Getting to know Senju y/n better? Hell yeah! He would kill for that. She even booked a whole ass five-star restaurant for him. So why not.

After sitting on the table and giving their orders, the waiter brought out the finest sake 🍶 for y/n and the finest wine 🍷 for toji

Now their waiting for their food and talking to each other.

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