chapter 6

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3rd person POV

Today was just a normal day for y/n. She was watching the students train. time was going by.

And she promptly ignored the clear lovesick look gojo and geto was giving her

"Say y/n-san, what did your husband look like?"

Haibara asked

A small nostalgic smile came to y/n's lips

"He looked exactly like my gaki. The same hair, same face and same smile. He just had darker brown eyes."

This surprised gojo and geto

Yes yuji was good looking but y/n could do a lot better. Then why did she choose his father

"Why did you married him, Hime?"

Geto asked

"Because he loved me unconditionally. He didn't want my fame, name or money. Didn't expect anything from me, just gave me everything."

She said with a smile

She was still looking at the students. That's why she didn't see the jealous looks Gojo and Geto were giving.

Just then

"Mama I've never seen you fight. Come spar with me!"

Yuji yelled excitedly and she sighed

"I don't wanna hurt you gaki. Find someone else."

She said in a bored tone

"Mama, are you scared? Is my mama getting old? I never knew.".

Yuji said grining  while y/n had an irk mark on her face

"Yuji-kun, what are you doing?" Gojo and Geto asked

They were scared. Why was he getting her hyped up?

"Who the hell are you calling old huh?. Wanna try brat?"

She stood up with a smirk and showed her finger

"One finger, this is all I need to to take you down

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"One finger, this is all I need to to take you down. Come with all you have brat."

Yuji nodded off enthusiastically and brought out a weapon

Her eyes widen

"Whare did you get that kunai from?"

Y/n asked

"From the house you took me yesterday. Now lets begin."

Yuji lunged forward to attack her and she dodged each attack. She even took the weapon from him with one of her her fingers.

She stopped his punch with one of her fingers

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She stopped his punch with one of her fingers

Everyone was gwaking at her

Just the she used her to flick his forehead

Just the she used her to flick his forehead

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Everyone stood there stunned, speechless

As yuji now used his blackflash to attack her she used that on finger and
Touched the ground

As yuji now used his blackflash to attack her she used that on finger andTouched the ground

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The earth cracked beneath and yuji got stuck in there

Y/n sighed

"You have a long way to go, brat."

She said as she helped her up and then her hands glowed green

She put her hand on yuji's forehead and healed him

"Wah! How did you do all of that mama? Your so strong. I will train more and get strong like you."

Yuji enthusiastically said as he hugged his mother

Y/n's eyes soften as she returns the hug

"I will be looking forward to it, gaki. Now go and train with you teammates."

She said and went to sit down

"Why are you all looking at me like that?"

She asked the men who were looking at her with wide eyes and a slacked jaw

"You can heal too?"

Gojo asked in astonishment

She snorted

"I am the best healer in this world. I can heal thousands people at once in a battlefield. What are you saying, you brats.?"

"Is there something you can't do?"

Haibara asked nervously

"I don't know."

She said as she took out a bottle from her bag

The men waiden their eyes

"Is that alcohol?"

Geto asked in disbelief

"It's sake you, you damn brat"

She replied annoyed

"You can't drink alcohol in school. There are children around you."

Geto said

"I have high alcohol tolerance, I unlike you brats. Plus does it look like a care about any of the rules of the school?"

She asked with a raised eyebrow as she drank the liquid

Gojo and Haibara had wide eyes and slacked jaw

Geto sighed

it's gonna be a long day

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