Chapter 5 - Ominis' Outrage

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Lying in bed, Riley is recalling everything that has already happened this first week, and it's only Wednesday. Thankfully, tomorrow there are no classes for her, and only Arithmancy on Friday. Every time the dorm door opens, Riley pretends to be sleeping. Secretly, she is waiting for Erin to confront her about her little slip-up, but Erin seems to be avoiding her since morning Potions. Not even during afternoon Charms she gave her a chance to talk to her, she was preoccupied with literally everything in sight. Professor Ronen made sure they were starting to work on non-verbal spells, and so did Professors Weasley and Hecat on Monday. At least Tuesday's Runes were fun.

The door opens and Riley steadies her breath, pretending to be fast asleep. There is no motion for a few seconds and then very quiet tiptoeing. Riley knows exactly who it is, and waits a few minutes. When Erin is in bed, Riley takes her chance. There is nowhere to run and it's only two of them at this point, so the perfect opportunity is presenting itself.

Quietly rolling out of the bed, Riley swiftly moves to Erin's bed.

"So, Ominis?" Riley whispers and laughs when Erin jumps.

"Stop sneaking up on me," Erin says in an angry voice, but Riley grins.

"Stop avoiding me, then," Riley laughs again and when Erin sits up, she joins her on her bed, smiling broadly.

"Can we not make a big deal out of it? It's nothing, really," Erin says, but Riley notices she is quite fidgety.

"Then why are you avoiding me?" Riley asks but does not let her answer. "Exactly. So, for how long? How bad is the crush? Is it just a crush? And, most importantly, Ominis? Really? Everyone seems to avoid him," Riley is tapping her feet in excitement.

"Ugh. Should have known you would not let it go. Just don't make a big deal out of it. After we started to hang out more last year, thanks to you, I have realized he is not what he seems. He is not that evil Gaunt looking down his nose at everyone who is not a pure-blood supremacist. He is actually a nice guy, and quite handsome. And when he speaks to me, even if he's blind, it feels like he sees me. Like he can see behind the facade and whichever persona I wake up with," Erin says and Riley snorts. Truth is, she never knows if she's gonna get smiley Erin, moody Erin, aggravated Erin, carefree Erin, or whichever Erin is prominent that morning. But then again, she is no better.

"He is not evil. If anything, out of me, Sebastian and Ominis, he is the pacifist and the nicest one. Despite being a rebellious spoiled brat and having access to all his family fortune and privileges, he really has no love lost for them and other pure-blood supremacists," Riley smiles and Erin looks at her with raised eyebrows.

"A rebellious spoiled brat?" She asks and Riley nods with a big grin.

"One of the very first days when Sebastian told me something that Ominis was not happy about, he threatened me with something along the lines of my father is a friend with the headmaster and I'm not afraid to exploit that connection and even your precious Professor Fig blah blah blah," Riley says, imitating Ominis' voice, which makes Erin laugh, especially the blah blah blah part.

"Sounds about right," Erin shrugs and Riley nods.

"How serious is it?" Riley is looking directly into her face, trying to figure out the real answer. Trying to see if Erin is lying to her. "Is it just a crush? Or do you hope for something more?" Riley enquires and Erin looks at the floor.

"I honestly don't know. I just like spending time with him," Erin shrugs and Riley knows she is not telling her the whole truth.

"Spending time chatting because he is a friend you can confide it? Spending time making out in the abandoned classroom? Spending time trying to figure out the best way to sneak into Slytherin's Common Room and have your way with him? Spending time staring into each other eyes and talking about the future? Which one?" Riley lists out a few options and grins when she notices a small blush on Erin's face.

In The Shadow Of Chaos (OC vs Sebastian Sallow)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu