"Ten minutes, or I'm coming to get you. Don't do anything stupid." His grip would leave a bruise tomorrow, for sure. If Dad were turning physical now, it'd be more than the perfect timing to make a move.

Now or never.

"Me? I would never!" I replied with a tone that was borderline between sarcasm and deceit, but no one seemed to catch it. I ran upstairs, grabbed my phone, wore comfortable running shoes, and stashed the little cash I managed to earn without Dad's help in my phone case. 

It was not the time to overthink anything, so I turned off the GPS system in the phone that Dad did not know existed and hid it in my bra. I was not stupid to take the phone he bought for me. 

I looked at the time, and I was gone for four minutes. I had six more to get out of the house. I opened the window and sight at the height. I shook off hesitating thoughts, tied the rope I bought on the bed's leg for this occasion, secured it, and climbed down.

I scanned the area, and it was so quiet and peaceful. "I hope I never see them again," I whispered to the sky, praying for a better future, as I slipped outside the gate without the guards' notice. 

I'd have to go to my marked shelter before it was dark and get on a train to Boston first thing in the morning.

Too bad we lived far away from the closest train station. I didn't want to waste my little money on a taxi, so I'd have to wake up very early tomorrow and walk to the station. 

I knew Dad's men and Heath would start looking for me in about a few minutes when they realized I was gone, and the first thing they would check were train stations. 

They are narrow-minded, so all I need to do is to lay low for a night in the shadows.

I ran on a road not many knew of, as it wasn't paved and was filled with holes. It didn't have any surveillance cameras, which was perfect for me. Nevertheless, I still wore a hat covering my face in case someone saw me. 

After a few minutes of running alongside the cracked road, I saw a car approaching, so I raised my hands, and it stopped. 

I hitchhiked with a lady who was too happy and too old to question why I wanted to go to that part of the city. She drove slowly due to her bad eyesight, but it was better than running. I just smiled at her and hummed to the songs.

Half an hour later, we arrived at my destination, and I beamed at her. "Thank you for the ride, ma'am," I said, finally feeling freedom approaching as I got out of the car. She waved goodbye and drove off, leaving me alone in an isolated place. 

I sighed in relief once I saw the empty cabin and entered from the broken window. I was sure it didn't belong to anyone. I searched for a place like this a few months ago since I realized it'd be useful someday.

Someday is today.


"Hey!" I heard someone call, and I jumped from the floor and came face to face with a young man. His face was so small and sharp, his clothes torn, and he had no shoes on his feet. He looked homeless, but I did not want to assume. He glared at me once he saw I was awake. "This is my spot. Get out!"

I looked outside and saw that it was morning already, but it could not have been past five since the sun was not fully out yet, which was perfect. "Good morning," I greeted with a smile as I stretched from the awful sleeping position I had to endure all night long. My back pain was unbearable too.

"I'm sorry for intruding. I will be out of your hair before you know it." I realized my mistake once I said that. He had no hair, and he seemed upset.

You are so inconsiderate, Verena!

"I apologize... Here," I pulled out a ten-dollar bill from my bra and handed it to him. I'd have given him more if I didn't need the money to escape. However, he was too happy to notice that I slipped outside. I ran without looking back, partially because I was afraid he would steal what I had left of my money.

The train to Boston leaves in thirty minutes. 

You can do it, Verena.

I covered my face well with my hat and bolted like my life depended on it, which it kind of did. I didn't want to marry that son of a female dog or be under Dad's iron fist any longer. I deserved freedom, and freedom I shall get.

Dramatic much?

I wished I had a friend with whom I could share my life secrets, but Dad made sure I never invited people over so they would not discover the truth behind our perfect plastic life.

Oh no! I forgot about my flowers.

I hope Robert waters them often. 

He loves flowers as much as I do.

"The train to Boston leaves in two minutes. The train to Boston leaves in two minutes..." Once I heard the intercom's call, I smiled. 

I made it. 

I passed the gates, avoiding the cameras because I knew Dad would check them later, and paid for my ticket. I finally sighed in relief once I found my seat and the train started moving.

Let's see how long I can hide until they find me.

Hopefully, they don't...

Yeah, stay optimistic, Verena. 

You made it this far, and you can last longer. 



As promised, a new chapter each Friday!

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