37. Possibilities

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HM: (in a cold tone) Get lost..
Haseena says in a voice barely audible to Karishma, gritting her teeth and looking right in Karishma's eyes.

KS: (confused) Sorry!?

Haseena practically yells at Karishma, her words sharp, cutting through the air like a knife, flinching the latter.

Haseena's call brings Neysa to the door within a few seconds. Neysa gasps at the scattered white tulips. Jumping across the carpet of tulips, she enters the ward with a flabbergasted face, facing an appalled Karishma and a furious Haseena.

N: Wha.. What happened!?

HM: (in an infuriated tone) Who let this croissant lady inside??.. What is she doing here??..

N: (perplexed) Uh.. Didn't you want her to visit you!?

HM: (in an irked tone) Are you out of your mind Neysa!?.. Why would I want a cook to visit me!?..

KS/N: (confused) A cook!?

HM: Isn't she the one who fed me the terrible croissants the other day!?.. Why do you hire such pathetic cooks Neysa??..

KS: Are you alright Maddam Sir!?

HM: (closing her eyes to control her temper) Neysa.. Throw this lady out or you will die in my hands!!

Neysa looks at Haseena and then at Karishma, both the ladies staring straight into her soul with their red-shaded eyes, as if they are eager to rip her apart and devour every piece of flesh in her body. Neysa's anxiety was palpable as her lips part, but words elude her from the fear of the ferocious ladies before her.

"Who brought these white tulips here!?"
A familiar voice echoes from the hallway, hearing which the ladies release Neysa from their deadly radar while Neysa let's out a euphoric sigh of relief watching her boss Maya and Kaira entering the room.

KS: I bought them for Maddam Sir.. But she didn't like it I guess..
Says Karishma looking everywhere but Maya, pain evident in her tone.

HM: Oh so you are guessing it!.. You are still not sure that I hate those disgusting flowers you brought here to flatter your boss..
Says Haseena shocking everyone in the room.

KS: (with a hollow chuckle) Wow.. Flattering!?.. So this is what you think about me!..

HM: (smirking at KS) Come out of your dreamland Ms.Croissant.. Do you really think people like you deserve to be in my thoughts!?..
Says Haseena in a sarcastic tone while Karishma blankly stares at Haseena in disbelief.

DKS: (in a stern tone) HASEENA!!....
Kaira steps forward in Karishma's defense but a voice intervenes from the outside the ward.

Dr.VC: What's all the commotion here?..
Vikas, who was about to enter the ward, balances himself not to step on a beautiful white tulip representing purity and love.

Dr.VC: (in a tensed tone) Oh Manh! Who brought these here!?.. Nurse could you please take these away from here right now?..

Nurse nodes at the doctor and starts gathering the individual flowers. Vikas entering the ward and glancing around,

Dr.VC: What you guys are doing here?.. How can I check my patient if you all assemble here like the avengers in the end game??.. (looking at MJS) Maya.. For what did you evacuate the entire floor if everyone is staying in this room!?..

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