26. Battle Begins

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Morning 7:30 AM,
JaiSingh Mansion, Lucknow

HM: Karishma Singh.. Have you seen my charger?? I'm searching it from past 10 minutes but I'm not getting it anywhere..
Asks Haseena her current roommate Karishma, who was getting herself updated watching the morning news on a 55-inch ultra HD LED TV in the living room of the 1st floor along with the other ladies on a couch while sipping coffee.

KS: (thinking for a second) Did you see in the kitchen? Yesterday you charged your phone in the kitchen right?
HM: Ohh yeahh.. Thank you Karishma Singh..
And Haseena heads to the kitchen while Karishma resumes her watching.
After 5 minutes,
HM: Karishma Singh.. Do you remember the pin that I set for our wardrobe locker yesterday?
KS: It's 1718..
HM: Thank you Karishma Singh..
KS: No problem Maddam Sir..
Haseena ambles back to her room upstairs on the 2nd floor of the mansion.

After 07 minutes,
HM: Karishma Singh.. I think I dropped my wallet somewhere.. I searched the whole mansion.. I couldn't find it anywhere..
KS: (thinking for a brief second) Did you check your laundry?
HM: No I guess..
KS: It must be there then..
HM: Let me check..
And Haseena saunters back to her leaving the bevy of beauties on the couch, except the ladies of team MPT, to look at each other trying not to curve their lips into smiles.
After 10 minutes,
HM: Karishma Singh.. Ammi wants to know from where I bought the gingerbread last week.. but I forgot the bakery's name.. Do you remember it by any chance? You too were there when I purchased it right?
KS: Was it Bangalore Bakery Maddam Sir?..
HM: Exactly Karishma Singh!.. You are a Saviour..
And Haseena strolls back to her room, dialling some number on her smartphone, giving a hard time to the ladies on the couch who were swallowing their laughter.
After 5 minutes,

HM: Uhh Karishma Singh......

Haseena descends to the first floor calling out her best friend, but stops on her tracks in the living room, furrowing her eyebrows and displaying a confused expression for a minute before climbing the stairs up to her floor.

KS: Arey.. Why did Maddam Sir go like that.. ??

DKS/MJS/N/BU : Cause she forgot what she forgot!

Saying it in unison, Barbie, Neysa, Kaira and Maya burst into laughter rolling on the couch and high-fiving each other, confusing the other 4 ladies of team MPT in the living room.

SS: She could have gone remembering too, right?

BU: Impossible! Ask her if you want..

Says Barbie confidently in between her laughs. Karishma curiously fishes her smartphone out of her jeans' pocket and taps on "Maddam Sir" in her contacts list.

KS: Hello Maddam Sir.. (putting the call on speaker at Santu's request, she continues) Why did you leave abruptly from here? Did you want to ask something?

HM: Yes Karishma Singh.. I was searching something but..

KS: But?

HM: I forgot what I forgot..
Says Haseena in an embarrassed tone causing the ladies to giggle quietly squeezing their lips together.

KS: (slapping her forehead) No worries Maddam Sir.. You ask whenever you remember what you forgot.. Okay?

HM: Thank you Karishma Singh..

KS: My pleasure Maddam Sir.. See you at the table..

Karishma cuts the call looking suspiciously at the ladies, who were having fun making fun of her senior and says,

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