Chapter 5 Part Two

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Season 6 Episode 9

New History

Part Two

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Jackson sighed as he hoped off the on call room bed, to look at the pager on the dresser.

"Finally something," Jackson smiled.

Quickly sliding on his shoes he ran out of the door and to the elevator. The last three hours had been a bust he was tired of waiting around so he decided to take a nap. A wave of energy past over him as he stepped onto the elevator he was pumped. Listening to the music playing in his head as he walked over to the trauma bay to get gowned and gloved.

"How's your night going Yang," Jackson asked, as he tied up the yellow gown?

"We don't have to be friends," Yang said, while she put on gloves.

"The ambulance should be here in three minutes," Bailey announced.

"Wow general too," Jackson mumbled.

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"Female, 28, in and out of consciousness, rapid heart rate, Bp is 60/40, fever is 105," Pat announced.

"Kat," Jackson's eyes went wide. "That's that's that's that's Kat," Jackson stuttered.

"If you can't do this Avery we will get someone else," Hunt looked over.

"No I can," Jackson shook his head trying to keep himself from crying.

"That wasn't a threat it was an offer I see you chasing her around the hospital," Bailey clarified.

"I'm good," Jackson let out a deep breath hoping into to action.

"Good, we need a portable ultra sound and some fluids," Owen ordered, as they wheeled Kat into a trauma room.

"Breathing is getting worse we may have to intubate," Teddy looked around.

"There's free fluid in the abdomen," Bailey said

"She needs surgery," Bailey shouted.

"We need a chest ct," Teddy said aloud.

"She won't make it to ct, if we don't get this free fluid out of her now, Yang book and or tell them we're on our way," Bailey insisted.

"I'll be in the O.R. monitor her heart," Teddy told her.

"Right where I want you to be."

"Alright people let's get her to the O.R," Hunt ordered.

Jackson was stuck frozen in place as they wheeled her out.

"Go get Lexie grey tell her to scrub in ," He heard Dr. Owen Hunt yell.

He couldn't move, this was the closet he ever got to someone. Jackson didn't have friends in highschool, or college but he had one now. And he just got her, he couldn't lose her to appendicitis.

"Dr. Avery, we need you to clear out for the next trauma," the nurse startled him a bit.

"Sorry," He let out a deep breath wiping away his tears, before leaving.

Jackson Avery wasn't an emotional man but when I came to the people he loved, he couldn't help but shed a tear.

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