chapter 2 [ who might my bride be part 2]

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Xie lian was up and about in the mortal realm.turns out when he descended into the mortal realm, he hit a cloud and went way out of his original course to reach his final destination. He looked around to look for any passeres by that could help him find his way to Mount yujun, but no one was around ,but then he heard the sounds of things clinching together like a beautiful melody .when he looked up, he saw the most handsome man he's ever seen in his life . Xie lian could see the red string on his well shaped finger,the butterfly necklace around his well defined neck stretching around his broad shoulders.he wore crimson red and had a coral bead in his braid and also has an eyepatch.his hole look was magnificently beautiful in xie lian's eyes ." Uhm..excuse me ,do you know the way to Mount yujun?" Xie lian asked shyly,why he did he doesn't know." Oh, are you lost your highness?I can take you their,"the person replied. "  ohh,you know my name yet, I don't know yours?"xie lian was rather intrigued on how this person knew him." Your highness is well known, but most only know him because of his faults but I happen to know him because of his good deeds," the person Said. " really?then who am I to be blessed with such a nice person as you." Xie lian said ." Gege ,your praising me to much" the other party talked." Then may i know the name of is the kind person am talking to?" As soon as he said those words they seemed to teleport to a different location and the person next to him disappeared into a million butterfly's " mayde next time,but that's not far away"hua cheng said as he disappeared. " maybe next time" xie lian echoed. Suddenly a butterfly appeared and landed on his was the same one as the one the kind hearted part had disappeared into . When he looked at them he remembered what ling wen told him about hua cheng " he comes with his silver butterfly's and even sometimes crimson rain" .he remembered this and looked at the butterfly ,the butterfly flaped its wings making xie lian giggle. The butterfly landed on his finger and he looked at it awe struck as each flap the butterfly gave a sprinkle of silver shimmers would fall and disappear. Then the butterfly flew of xie lians finger and caresses xie lians cheek before disappearing " maybe next time,hua cheng" xie said with a warm smile on his face


When xie lian finnaly got out of the trance he was om when thinking about hua cheng and his butterfly's, he asked around the place where he was teleported to by hua cheng, turns out just as hua cheng said he will do he brought him to the Mount yujun area. Rather happy with the outcome of not having walk for god knows how long, he sat down at a small tea shop and asked for tea and a montauban.when drinking tea he heard lin wen call her" your highness "  " yes ling wen" xie lian replied ,"the rank of the ghost groom is a wrath,I hope your highness can take care of this as sone as possible. Also your highness, i found two junior official's to help you ,they should be on their way"ling wen said . After ling wen said it he turned around and saw two people glearing at him ,the two looked very familiar but the glear that they had was murderous. "Lin wen did you trick them into coming here because, they look like the came here to kill me instead of aid me ,....lin wen?.." just before xie lian could deliver the message his spiritual powers depleated, ' well their goes that' xie lian thought.  Now  " Hello who might you two be?" xie lian finnaly asked. " na fang" the one on the left answerd followed by " fu yao" from the one on the right." Which generals posts are you from?"."xuan zheng " " nan yang" xie lian chocked "the two generals of the South sent you here ?" "No my general doesn't know am here " the answered in union. "Then... so you know who I am?" "Your the crown Prince of Xiane Le " na fang answered ." the example of beauty, saviour of all men" fu yao answered while rolling his eyes ." ..." did he just roll his eyes " xie lian asked. "Yes ,just kick him out" na fang replied ." If anyone were two be kicked out is you." The two glared at each other .seeing this xie lian remembered his times with mu qing and feng xin in xiane le ." Please don't fight were her to catch the ghost groom not fight each other." Xie lian finnaly said." So about this ghost groom, can you tell us about it" na fang said ."okay so around 100 years ago,ghost groom of yujun mountain started kidnapping Brides, during this period of time, 17 brides have been kidnapped. It is said that the ghost room of yujun mountain is an ugly sneaky man who likes kidnapping Brides. Put of all the rankings which are fierce, severe,wrath and devastation/supreme.the ghost groom has been ranked in the 2nd highest category which is wrath according to the palace of ling wen." Xie lian said.


900 words♡

I'll always be in your armsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon