The Feast (Chapter 2)

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As the meat is cooking and the fire is getting brighter and hotter I felt at peace but I was still scared because I'm not meant for this I'm only 9 years old I'm meant to be at home with my family not in the middle of nowhere by myself. The meat is getting darker and starting to smell good I can't wait till it's time to eat but boy ain't I thirsty there is still no water to be found. I might have to drink the blood from the bear but I don't want to do that because it would be nasty but I have to survive somehow. So as I turned around and looked at the bears dead corpse I saw blood I put a little on my finger and tasted it which it didn't taste to bad. I found a big leaf so I put allot of blood from the bear in the leaf and started to drink it like it was water I looked up and notice the meat was done. So I started to bite the mean and started chewing oh boy don't this taste good I started to eat more and faster. I drunk all the blood and eat all the meat and now I'm full. I layed down to rest and next thing I know it was morning and pouring down the rain. I got up and I was soaked I didn't have anymore clothes I could wear this was the only thing I had to keep me warm and dressed so how am I going to stay dry I don't have a shelter anymore.

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