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"Look! Finally, I found a final paper similar to mine!" San exclaimed enthusiastically to Wooyoung sitting at the library table.

"Wow, that's great! Now you can use it as a reference!"


San and Wooyoung were startled as they turned to the stern librarian who glared at them for the umpteenth time today. They were being too loud, causing Hongjoong, the librarian, to contemplate cutting their library cards into pieces.

In unison, they both smiled apologetically and made a gesture of apology before returning to their tasks.

"Hey, Dean just released a new music video," Wooyoung whispered, showing his laptop screen.

"Where? Where?"

In the end, the tasks was neglected, and Wooyoung shared half of his earphones with San for them to enjoy the video together. Very close. Hongjoong squinted, keeping an eye on them, fearing another round of disturbance.

"Aaa, why is Dean so handsome? Now I want to marry him!" San exclaimed loudly, unaware of how noisy he was due to the music in his ears. Wooyoung could still hear him, though.

"Pfffttt." Wooyoung suppressed a laugh at San's antics.

"Choi San, get out right now." Hongjoong's voice came out terrifying. All the students swallowed their saliva, afraid of something unwanted happening to their friend who apparently didn't hear Hongjoong and was still engrossed in watching.

Hongjoong rubbed his temples. It was useless to get angry.


It was already four in the afternoon, and the library was about to close. However, San was still busy with his laptop and piles of thick books on the table, while all his friends, including Wooyoung, had already left.

It was his fault for getting carried away watching all of Dean's videos from his debut until the latest one. That's how he behaved when fanboying over his favorite idol.

"Stop, San, the library hours are over," said Hongjoong, who appeared next to San without any human presence.

Seriously, what was he, some kind of creature?

"If only I could take these books home, I would stop and continue at home. Unfortunately, you're too stingy to allow that." San pouted, cute. Adorable. A characteristic of Choi San. Those lips were like calling Hongjoong.

"Close your laptop now."


"I said close it."

"Just a little longer."

Hongjoong sighed and grabbed San's wrist a bit roughly, making San wince as he was forced to stand.

"Come with me."

"Where are we going?"

Hongjoong dragged San into a room between large bookshelves filled with thick books.

Without consent, Hongjoong kissed San, who was momentarily surprised before accepting and reciprocating the kiss while closing his eyes. Hongjoong even bit San's lip, making San hiss between his pursed lips.

"That's for breaking the rules."

San regretted why he accepted this terrifying man as his boyfriend a few months ago.

Hongjoong continued the kiss, this time on San's neck. San also regretted why his body's autopilot allowed his neck to tilt, giving access to his boyfriend because Hongjoong ended up biting him, causing San to yelp.

"That's for getting too close to Wooyoung."

"But hyung, we're just friends!"

"Don't deny it. Do you want a more severe punishment?"

Hongjoong didn't wait for an answer. He continued the playing, and their make-out session lasted for an hour.



"I have early morning supervising tomorrow, and the supervisor is so strict. Meanwhile, my second chapter isn't finished. What should I do?"

"Don't worry. I'll take care of it."



"Oh, thank you so much!"

"But you know everything comes with a price."

"How much do you want me to pay?"

"No need for money."


Hongjoong grinned.

San, who was already sweating a lot from their activities, swallowed hard but could only surrender.

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