An Introduction

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Author's Note

This is all fanfiction now! This doesn't take place after any specific canon episode or anything, at least not when I'm writing this. I have a feeling it could possibly happen after the next episode 😈

Loona's POV

I was sitting at my desk, definitely doing my job, when the phone rang. I was debating on whether or not I should pick it up. Moxxie and Millie glared at me, so I picked it up while groaning at them.

"I.M.P, who can we murder for you?"

I asked, in a bitchy tone.

"No one! I'd like to talk to Blitzø, if you don't mind forwarding me to him?"

A raspy voice replied.

"Piss on a dick, Blitzø! Did you get another rich asshole? What's this fucker giving you?! Someone is calling for you."

The person on the phone started laughing and Blitzø ran out of his office.

"The fuck? The only rich guy, or really anyone, I've been dicking-down is Stolas."

Blitzø clarified as I gave him the phone. I rolled my eyes and went back to playing some PocketLove.

Blitzø's POV

I confusingly lifted the phone to my ear. I could immediately tell who had called just by their laugh.

"Loonie, this is my old friend Fizz! Not anything else. What can I do for you Fizz?"

Loona just gave me the finger. I'm so proud of her.

"Did you forget, Blitzø? Damn, I thought we were gonna meet up today."

Christ on a stick!! I fucking forgot.

"I definitely did not forget, Fizz! Grab your Horny Rooster and get over to I.M.P!"

Fizz replied with an okay and hung up. I quickly dialed Stolas.

"Hey, Stolas! I'm introducing Fizz and Asmodeus to the gang and was wondering if you wanted to come join us. If Octavia is with you, she's welcome to come along!"

Loona's ears perked at Octavia's name. They're best friends right now, but soon they'll be sisters! I know they'll love that.

"How exciting, Darling! We'll be over in 15!"

Ever since Stolas and I became official, I've gotten so flustered when he calls me a pet name. Anyways, I hung up the phone and got ready for Asmodeus and Fizz.

Neutral POV

≈20 Minutes later. Fizzarolli, Asmodeus, Stolas, and Octavia have arrived.

Stolas' POV

Blitzø started by introducing Asmodeus and Fizzarolli to Octavia, Loona, Moxxie, and Millie. I sipped on my coffee as I listened.

"Okay, Fizz! This is my amazing daughter Loonie!"

Blitzø announced, wrapping an arm around her while smiling a lot. He's been so much happier lately and I'm all for it!

"Only on paper."

Loona added as she scoffed and rolled her eyes. Blitzø didn't seem to care.

"Thennn, this is Stolas' daughter, Octavia!"

Octavia gave us a shy wave. Then she and Loona ditched us.

"You guys already know Stolas, obviously. I know you've had a run-in with M&M before.. but let's just set that aside."

Blitzø said, awkwardly scratching his head. I just smiled and laid a hand on his shoulder. I could see his face starting to turn pink.

"Oh, yes! I remember when you two crashed my club. How y'all doing now?"

Asmodeus asked, a little passive aggressive.

"Well, we're doing just fine. It's nice to meet you both on better terms!"

Millie replied, smiling. Moxxie nodded.

After the introduction, the six of us just chatted. I realized that the others were staring at Blitzø and me in an.. odd way? Maybe it was because Blitzø had cozied up to me and was laying on my side while I had my hand wrapped around him.

"How's the crystal working out for you guys?"

Asmodeus asked, making some small talk.

"It's really convenient actually, thank you so much, Asmodeus!"

Blitzø replied.

"You know, I didn't tell Moxxie about what happened the other day because I wanted your permission. I think it's kind of funny, so wanna tell him, Fizz?"

Blitzø asked, shifting to sit up straight. I held back a dramatic tear.

"Blitzø.. why is that funny? I don't care if you tell him or not."

Fizzarolli said in a confused tone. Moxxie just stared at Blitzø, also confused.

"Ohh, because the leader guy is Moxxie's father! So, Moxxie, you know the day I just didn't show up for work? Well, I actually got kidnapped with Fizz by your father and Striker! Isn't that funny?"

Fizzarolli's and Moxxie's mouths dropped.

"Sir.. what??"

Blitzø shrugged his shoulders in reply.

"Luckily for Circus Puss, I had a knife and was easily able to get us out."

Fizzarolli rolled his eyes at Blitzø's joke.

"I'm glad you had a knife too, Blitzy!"

I exclaimed, hugging Blitzø tightly.

"You know.. Millie and I have noticed that you two have become a lot more.. touchy lately?"

Moxxie said. Fizzarolli and Asmodeus smiled at each other. I looked down at Blitzø, not knowing what to say.

"Well, uhm.."

I began, Blitzø giving me an approving nod.

"We talked a few days ago and.. well we ended the full moon agreement and made things official."

I blushed a bit, not making eye contact with anyone. Blitzø put an arm around me and smiled.

"Oh, I'm so happy for you, Blitzø!"

Millie exclaimed while giggling.

"We predicted it!"

Asmodeus said.

End Note

Thank you so much for reading this chapter! With this chapter published, I'm going to mark this story completed. I really hope you enjoyed it!

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