Chapter 2: No Good Deed Goes Unpunished

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"Demonic/God Speaking"

*Sound Effects*

(Author Notes)


"The greatest tragedy of life is not that men perish, but that they cease to love." — W. Somerset Maugham


The first few minutes that Peter was in the white car were the most awkward minutes of his life. Khonshu merely sat there watching the arachnid hero, and Peter couldn't muster up the courage to speak even a single word. Khonshu sighed holding his head at the silence.

"For a hero who spends his day fighting alongside a Norse God, you seem to be quite nervous around me," Khonshu said softly,

"W-Well, you're the g-god who gave M-Moon Knight his powers," Peter said turning to look at Moon Knight,

"Correction merely brought me back to life, and can continuously do so," Marc said, but it didn't sound like Marc,

"This conversation doesn't concern you Jake, or the others," Khonshu said rolling up the small window that separated us and leaving me alone with the moon god, "I'm assuming you are already aware of Moon Knight's little issue"

"O-Oh, yeah, his DID, yeah I-I'm aware of it," Peter said stuttering nervously, "Marc Spector, Jake Lockley, and Steve Grant, C-Captain America filled me in when I was still an Avenger"

"Captain America, the foolish Avatar of America," Khonshu remarked and chuckled, "Always fights first, and asks questions later, It is no wonder every battle he was in went poorly, besides his little war"

"Um... why am I here again?" Peter asked, calming down slightly.

"To talk, about you, Peter Parker," Khonshu remarked as he kept on looking at me, "And why you are still Spider-Man"

"What... what did you mean by that?" Peter asked very nervously.

In most of his adventures, well some of them, Peter would be fighting against gods like Loki, or Ares, and sometimes fighting with gods like Thor and Hercules. But when it came to Khonshu it was much more different. He knew about the god thanks to both Black Panther and Iron Man who both had their run-ins with the god, and his avatar: Marc Spector, Steven Grant, and Jake Lockley. But they always focused on how dangerous Moon Knight can be, especially when he had blown up a building with himself inside just to take down all of the Thunderbolts and that at one point had the personalities of Wolverine, Captain America, and Spider-Man inside him, (That was a very weird comic run, to be honest)

Khonshu sighed, "Mortals like you, always focus on the small things, but never the big picture"

"I just try to help everyone out" Peter added to that as Khonshu watched him, "Everyone needs a hero to look up to, someone who can save the day and be there for him"

"...Haha... words spoken from the heroes of fairytales for children," Khonshu said as his cold dead laugh filled the car, "But tell me, Spider-Man, why are you Spider-Man? Is it for the fame? For the love of everyone? To uphold a moral justice?"

"Because... with great power comes great responsibility and when you have my enemies... you have to be able to fight against them" Peter said with a smile on his face, while Knoshu tapped his thumbs together, and leaned back watching Peter.

Spider-Man: A Deadly Hero (Betrayed Spider-Man)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora