oh so youre like that huh

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[tw: smut]

Henry continued to watch the TV, clearly interested, still ignoring what is going on.

William shivered and whimpered, fearing what would happen, although he's always dreamt this.

Though he doesn't want to be caught like this, having a huge fucking boner over your partner whilst on your living room couch is not the way to go.

Not for William at least.

Henry continued to tease him, sliding his hand lower and lower untill it was practically in between his thighs. He didn't know where he was going with this, and neither did William, but god he was shaking in his seat from excitement.

H: "Are you hiding something, orr?"

W: "No! No of course not, why would you think that? Is it because I'm slouched over like this? No, I'm just really cold, trust me, the window's in here have been open all day-"

Henry grabbed both of his wrists together and lifted his arms up off of his lap, equalling to William screaming and quickly bending his knees and putting his feet on the couch cushion to cover himself.

Henry stared at his awful attempts to cover his bump. He's already seen it.

H: "Have I caused this?" Henry said mockingly.


William didn't sound too convincing. Henry wasn't really falling for it.

But neither did he have anything to say about this. He was practically speechless. "Wow? Me? I'm honoured." Henry thought to himself.

He didn't have much of a response, rather than to just laugh it off, staring at his boner still. He pinned his wrists to the couch and grabbed his knees, pushing them down.

William quietly whined, from all of this sudden touching.

He was way too desperate for him, any touch he pleaded it to be from Henry, whatever it was, he wanted it.

Lucky for him, Henry didn't notice too much of it.

Henry laughed this off as some sort of playfighting, standing up and immaturely pinning him to the couch.

William screeched and started kicking at him, even if this is what he wanted.

H: "You're really this threatened by me?? Your friend seems to be."

W: "SHUT UP!! NO!!"

William shouted, trying to cover himself with his knees still.

Henry put his knee in between his legs, smiling at William.

William blushed and frowned from embarrassment, pushing himself back on the couch.

H: "You know, If you needed help, you could've just asked."

William widened his eyes and stared at him, shocked. Did he hear that correctly?

He looked to the side and blushed slightly, not sure what to respond, just a few stammers coming out of his mouth, still attempting to cover himself.

Henry stared at him, literally helpless on the couch, and decided to push his knee against his lap, causing William to slightly moan.

W: "Don't!"

Henry smiled and chuckled at him.

H: "Jesus Christ, Will, I didn't know you were like this. Your wife been mistreatin' ya?"

Henry mockingly said, chuckling

William shut his eye in embarrassment, unsure what to even think.

W: "No! And that's none of your business!"

No. His wife doesn't have sex with him anymore. They're divorced.

H: "Don't you want me to help you fix your 'problem'?"

William gulped and blushed, continuing to look to the side.

"God, what was I getting myself into?" William thought.

"What am I even doing? And why am I still going?" Henry thought.

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