Chapter 1: encounter

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In 1960, two men named don walsh and jacques piccard went on an expedition in a submarine as they travelled deep into the mariana trench. And when they reached the bottom they noticed something, a portal of sorts, a rip in the fabric of reality deep within the mariana trench. Out of curiosity, they've devided to enter said portal. And that action alone, would be the greatest mistake of their lives.

Both don and jacques found themselves within a large cosmic structure called the complexity which is a complex structure, then they both ascend to a much higher structure called the endless cosmos with hundreds of cosmological structures within it. With the higher level of the endless cosmos being an endless upon endless upon endless etc, endless upon endless, etc and so on (you get the point) amount of these hundreds of cosmological structures repeated over and over again with each recursion being unreachable by the previous.

And then they then ascend beyond the endless cosmos reaching the omega books, beyond that ascending to the omega space, then ascending to the hyper cosmos, then the hyoer container, then finally, the omega realm, which contains an endless upon endless upon endless, etc amount of these hyper containers. The omega realms are pocket dimensions within the universe (omega universe) and there are an infinite number of them. However, the omega realm they're both stranded on isn't just any omega realm. But rather, the realm of one of the most mysterious and most dangerous agent of chaos. The endless shadow.

The omega realm that they were stranded in is the shadow realm. One created by the endless shadow. Both don and jaques peaked into their submarine window. Where they saw a bunch of jellyfish like creatures and other creatures with some being shaped like an eel, fish, arachnid, etc. However, all of them have one thing they share in common. Is that their skin is pitch black. Blacker than any black colour to exist.

And then they both ended up at the surface of a some kind of bitch black sea. However, it wasn't an ordinary ocean. It was an abyss. An eye emerged from this abyss and stared back at them. Not one but two, three, and it just keeps going. Endless eyes coming out from the abyss. Then, multiple arms began to appear from the abyss and started draging their submarine down.

The two in the submarine panicked as they don't know what to do. And then suddenly, as they were about to be submerged within the abyss, they were suddenly teleported back to the surface. As if nothing happened. The workers who worked on the submarine were suprised by the submarine suddenly teleporting to the surface as they check whether the submarine was damaged or not and if the crew in the submarine was okay. Fortunately, dona nd jaques were okay, and the submarine doesn't sustain any serious injury. Just minor scratches and cracks on the window. (Which would be concerning)

What both don and jaques encountered was an agent of chaos. The 5th strongest of them all that is, the endless shadow. A hole in the fabric of the omega universe itself. Nonexistent beyond infinite levels of nonexistent and beyond. And only beings like other agents of chaos can interact with him. But anything below agent of chaos level cannot interact with him at all. The endless shadows nonexistent physiology operates in interesting ways too. For instance

If you throw an object or anything into the endless shadow, it will enter it and never come back out

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If you throw an object or anything into the endless shadow, it will enter it and never come back out. But, the properties of the endless shadow being a hole in the omega universe would make him act as a worm hole to other places. The object could be transported to another city, country, planet, solar system, galaxy, universes and even spaces between universes.

Which is one of its interesting characteristics. This is the introduction to the endless shadow. There is more to this entity then meets the eye.

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