Chapter 04: Gingerbread houses

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December 19th, 2022, 10:51am.

You know the time will come,
peace on Earth for everyone.
And we can live forever
in a world where we are free,
let it shine for you and me.

"Christmas Time"
by Bryan Adam's.

"We're back!" Betty called, walking in the living room. She set down the bags with groceries while Veronica carried hers straight to the kitchen.

"Guys? You here?" She called. Archie came running down the stairs, driving a hand through his hair. He quickly buttoned up his shirt before offering to help unpack the groceries.

"And where were you?"

"Upstairs, showering" Archie shrugged, starting to put things away in the fridge. A minute later, Jughead walked in the kitchen too, hair hidden under the beanie almost completely and cheeks rosy.

"What's gotten into you?"

"Just came out of the shower"

"The shower that Archie just came out?"

"What?" Jughead turned to eye Archie "No. We didn't- I went after him. Why would we shower together?"

"I was just confused" Betty shrugged, going to assist Archie with unpacking the groceries. Jughead went to help himself to a coffee before joining them as well.

"For what did you buy six ginger bread sets?"

"Well, to have a ginger bread competition, obviously?" Veronica asked, walking in the kitchen too "We have to wait until Fangs and Sweat Pea finally arrive but once they do, I'll destroy you"

"In your dreams, Lodge. I won the last one"

"Because you smashed mine!"

"Did not, I accidentally brushed against it!" Jughead protested under laughter.

"You'll regret doing that today"

"Are they always this competitive?" Archie whispered, bending down a bit to face Betty. The blonde just hummed with a sigh.

"Yep. I had to watch them drive down a hill with skateboards once, I don't even know the reason anymore. It's a miracle that they both survived that one" Betty shrugged "They can compete about literally anything, like who makes the best gingerbread houses"

"I don't get it"

"You're just afraid to loose against someone younger than you" Jughead threatened, to which Archie gasped.

"What? No way. My gingerbread house will be better than the one of the both of you combined"

"My God, now there's three of you..." Betty groaned.

"Oh come on, you can get quite competitive too" Veronica reminded her.


They ordered some take out for lunch, which Jughead had to get because the restaurant wouldn't deliver to the lodge. Sweat Pea and Fangs arrived sometime after three. Jughead was just napping on the couch then, sleep schedule still messed up, though he woke up as soon as the front door opened.

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