Chapter 12: The Rescue

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Ryder and pups are glad to hear that there is a 98% chance Chase is still alive. Skye's tears were wept away. And any emptiness in hope has been filled. Meanwhile, Aviatress starts to feel concerned about their captives' behavior being joyous and happy and such. She walked to her leader who was nearby.

Aviatress: Sir. The prisoners have caught a sickness.

Clone: What kind of ailment has befallen our captives?

Aviatress: Hope. (Slavering and Fin come back from being repaired)

Fin: What does she mean, boss?

Slaver is: Yeah. I've been built five years ago. And I have no idea what hope is.

Clone: It means that their confidence has been brought up. But don't worry, my soldiers. When we destroy their universe in front of their eyes, they would only have their self-esteems up just so we could bring it down. Haha. 

Flame: (over radio) Clone, you need to get here NOW! The scanner has picked up something at the front door. It is beeping rapidly. I'm not sure my neural processor could compute this rapid beeping! (beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep) AUGH!!!!!!

Clone: I am on my way, Flame. Aviatress, guard the prisoners. Slaveria, get to the front door defenses! Fin! Tell Mechaniac and Debris to send Questbots at the front door and meet up with Slaveria! Go, go, go!

The Annihilation Army each do their jobs as Clone demanded. Once Clone got to the security room Flame is in, he could not believe his eyes! It's Chase! They came from the east, unseen side of the mountain and arrived at the front door!

Clone: How many times am I going to have to destroy the SAME, STINKING, GERMAN SHEPHERD!!!!!!!! (Takes deep breath) No matter. This won't take long.

The front-door defenses aimed at the heroes. They looked concerned. Then, a screen above the doors turns on.

Clone: Chase. I'm surprised you have cheated death a second time.

Chase: Where are my friends, you rusty excuse for a canine?!

Clone: Oh, they're safe. For now. Have you come to fail again or die honorably?

Chase: We . . . 

As the armed cannons on each side of the doors aim at them, Crash puts up his clenched fists, ready to fight. 

Chase: Have come . . . 

Carl and Craze look up at Clone's screen, hoping Chase has an awesome plan of attack.

Chase: To surrender.

Crash: WHAT?! 

Craze: Could you say that again? I stopped listening after you called Clone a rusty excuse for a canine.

Clone: Wow. I'm shocked. I thought you were this formidable foe to cancel my conquest. My multiversal massacre! But it seems that it will proceed as planned. Fin, Slaveria, shut down the defenses for good. We won't need them anymore. And tell Debris and Mechaniac to use the Questbots not for extermination, but imprisonment. 

Confused, the cyborgs do what Clone said. Fin and Slaveria destroyed each of the defenses. Every turret, cannon, mortar, laser, etc. All gone. The Questbots had cuffed Chase and Carl's paws while they only got  a harness for Craze and chains for Crash. Once they got to Clone's throne room, Clone sat proudly in his red-violet furniture. The color matches every wall and floor of the fortress' interior. The surrendering heroes kneeled before him. 

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