Chapter 3: The Unwelcome Visitor

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WARNING: THIS CHAPTER IS LONGER THAN THE ONES YOU'VE READ SO FAR.  Okay, maybe it's not so much of a worry, just wanting to let you know it's a long chapter without leaving you in boredom.

Marshall:  Ryder! Pups! Get over here! There's a weird doohickey near Zuma's puphouse!

The Dalmatian got the others' attention. The other pups and Ryder race over to them. Once they arrive at the device, Ryder for a really intelligent boy has no idea what this thing is. 

Zuma: Could we pick it up?

Rubble: (backs up like a bull ready to charge) Let's find out.

The English Bulldog charges at the object from Zuma's pup house. He rams into it, but gets knocked back as far as a ruler. The pup looks dazed and slightly unconscious. Liberty and Rocky race over to their friend to see if he's okay.

Liberty: Rubble! Are you okay?

Rubble: (dizzy and in sing-song) Transformers. More than eats the pie.

Rocky: Yyyeah. He's going to be fine, Liberty.

Ryder: (kneels down to the device) It looks like a polygon-shaped paperweight.

Marshall: Like in the pilot episode 'BIG HERO 6 THE SERIES'?

Chase: Uhh, guys? I see . . . ME! 

Skye: What? (walks over to Chase, looking straight at the device) Whoa. You ain't kidding.

The other pups race over to Chase, Marshall, Skye and Ryder once Rubble gained consciousness.   They see on the strange object that, yes it was Chase's reflection. But this reflection had glasses, a suit and a tie, looking anxious. The pups were weirded out because Chase is not the glasses type, not even anxious. 

Rocky: You know, dogs are unable to wear glasses properly. Those specs must have been customly made. 

Zuma: And I don't remember Chase being anxious. Usually, he is a chill but serious dude.

Then the reflection fades into a smaller, more Southern version of Chase with a bandana around his neck almost like as if he came from Texas!

Liberty: Sheesh. He looks annoying. Normally, Chase is easy to like and get along with.

Marshall: You're right. This guy on the polygon looks like you need to hide from his irritating natural self. 

 Then the reflection changes to something that will catch Skye's attention more than the others. A humanoid version of Chase, wearing a shirt with ripped sleeves, a Chief's hat, a badge, a taser, and pants with hiking boots. And more so, he's so muscular he could rival the Hulk in a fair fight! Skye dropped her jaw in amazement knowing that Chase can look so much like Harrison Ford turning into a Hulk.

Ryder: Whoa! Chase, you are ripped!

Skye: Yeah. Now this reflection I want to be real. But he's not as handsome and charming as Chase. (Blushes and says In thought) Did I say handsome?

Chase also blushes. Then, a reflection came that gave them nightmares for more than a week! It was the cyborg Clone from earlier!

Rubble: What on this good Earth is that thing?!

Zuma: It looks like a nightmarish, scarier-than-JAWS-and-Terminator-combined version of Chase! 

Marshall: Forget the short reflection of Chase! This one gives my the creeps!

Then the reflection grew on the doohickey. And it turns out that this doohickey is the Doorway that Clone took from Professor Haircut! And the reflection of Clone grew bigger and bigger that a portal started forming! The PAW Patrol stand six feet back away from the device as it started flying into the air! Then, Clone slowly walks out of the portal like Thanos in Wakanda from Infinity War!  Once the portal closes, the Doorway drops and grins at the heroes in front of him.

Ryder: Hello. (Rocky uses his claw arm to hold a picket sign that has a hand doing the famous Spock sign. 🖖) We don't want to hurt you. We just want to ask a few questions.


Clone: I'm not sure that is a question the boy mentioned. But since I am a telepath, I want to save my world. But to answer your question, you friady pup, I worked my way to look like this. .

Liberty: YOUR world? What are you, an alien or something?

Clones No, aliens are what I'm programmed to destroy if a threat. No, I am from Earth, just in another universe.

Chase: "Programmed"?

Skye: "Another universe"?

Rocky: Wait, the multiverse is real? As in, alternate timelines, twisted realities and similar-but-different worlds?

Clone: Yes. Quite a smart pup.

Ryder: But why are you here?

Clone: My plan of saving my world involves destroying other worlds. Finally. After trapped for a millennia in the nexus of portals, I can return to my goal. Join me and I promise I will spare your lives. (Mumbling under his breath) Temporarily.

The PAW Patrol were shocked! For once they finally met someone who had a very destructive goal! Ryder and the pups knew they won't allow that to happen.

Chase: Sorry, Buster. We can't join you knowing that other worlds will be gone and we did nothing. Besides, due to my great hearing, I know you're going to get rid of us anyway.

Clone: The name is Clone! (His fangs are showing)

The tyrant now notices that Chase is his opposite-minded doppelgänger! He realizes that the German Shepherds are the most elite in most worlds. Then, he charges at our beloved pup, but Chase dodges him like as if he was in The Matrix! Now the team knows he could be a threat to Adventure Bay! But what they don't realize is  that what he wanted was THEM! 

Whoa! Clone traveled to the PAW Patrol's universe to capture them! And to make matters worse, he hates it when somebody calls him different names! What will happen? Do they get captured? Does Clone fail? And what will happen when Clone is done? Find out in later chapters of PAW Patrol: MULTIVERSAL MASSACRE!

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