Chapter 11: The Tension in the air

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Meanwhile, back at the platform, Chase was just getting back up after falling off because of Clone. Once he got back up there, his friends were just starting to wake up. Now that they're awake, Chase can finally tell his team what he thought of their "close encounters of the Clone kind." 

Chase: (helps Carl up) Are you okay?

Carl: Yeah.

Chase: Good. 'Cause now . . . (Furious) I'M GOING TO BEAT YOU TO A PULP!

Crash: (pushing Carl and Chase away from each other) Hey, hey, hey! Nobody is beating ANYBODY to a pulp. We can still win, guys. Our plan WILL work.

Chase: It was going to, until YOU decided to bring it up! IN FRONT OF CLONE!!! And now he knows our plan, we got nothing! Ya hear me, guys?! NOTHING!!!

Craze: Hold on, we should at least calm down a bit.

Chase: Why?! You have the attention span OF ONE SECOND!!!

Craze: (gasps) I DO NOT!!! (Sees a cloud) Hey, guys! I found a cloud that looks like a missile! (Missile lands in background) Okay, that really WAS a missile.

Chase: And you, ya big oversized, brawny blabbermouth!!! If you had kept that muzzle shut, Clone wouldn't know our plan! And YOU!  (Faces towards Carl) Such big brain you have there, eh, Doc?!? You don't even know how to drive a car! Graduated at 8 years old (in human years but dog years don't count in PAW Patrol) and you don't know how to hot-wire a single train! If you did it instead of Crash, I wouldn't have to save your sorry tails using my powers!

Carl: (angry) Well, we didn't know the so-called "leader" of this team had superpowers to begin with, did we? And for your doggone information, I never had anybody teach me how to drive or work with a vehicle because I was raised homeless! Penniless! SO STOP ACTING LIKE YOU'RE SO HIGH-AND-MIGHTY AND HELP US THINK OF ANOTHER PLAN!!!



Chase: WHO EVER SAID I HAD A FATHER?!?!?!?!?!!!!???! LET ALONE AN ENTIRE FAMILY !!!!!!!!!!!!????????!!!!?!?!?!?!!?!?!?!???

The others were shocked. Craze had a father who visited him once a week at the daycare in their mental health department. Crash had recently lost a father and not had the chance to forgive him for the things he had done to him as a kid. Carl had a father who ignored him whenever he could. Even when he became a somebody in his own eyes. They all had thought Chase was different in the prime universe, being one of the best. If not, THE best. The perfect universe. Turns out they were wrong.

Chase: (crying) I was abandoned in the middle of a city, not knowing where to go, forced to fend for myself. I never knew my parents. I only knew the people who left me on the sidewalk when I was only weeks old. A day after I first opened my eyes. So consider yourselves lucky you have a family to at least know they're alive. Lucky that you weren't abandoned in the middle of a place where it made you feel small. (Tears flood from his eyes) Lucky that you at least had another German Shepherd you know is near you! I am not perfect! If I was, I would've handled Clone myself THE FIRST TIME I saw him. My team wouldn't be captured, and I never had to come here!

The others were emotionally touched by Chase's story. It was at that moment Carl took back every single word he has said in that argument. Chase decided to sit his back against a wall and cool off. Carl sits beside him, only a ruler's length away. Chase wanted to be left alone, but Carl would not have his leader look down.

Chase: (gloomy) What do you want, Carl?

Carl: Look, Chase. I'll take back everything I said if you'll let me talk to you. I am also a counselor as well as a therapist.

Chase: (groans) Fine. 

Carl: What's been on your mind before we met?

Chase: Well, (sniffles) Right now, knowing that a maniac has kidnapped my friends, I feel just as weak as I was when I was abandoned. I felt the pain of the past merge with the failure of our recent encounter with Clone. And the trauma got to me making me ticked off that I thought I blew my one chance to save them.

Carl: Chase, do you know something that made me into a successful genius of my world?

Chase: Get custom-made glasses and a lab coat to make other dogs jealous? (chuckles)

Carl: (chuckles) No. I let go of the past I grew up with. Even it everybody knew, I wouldn't let the past bring me down to reach the top. 

Chase looked up in wonder. "Is Carl right? Am I letting the past get to me and keeping myself from my mission? Should I let it go?" We will find out soon. 

Carl: So, is there anything you want to say about your team that makes them so important?

Chase: Well, they saved me from the city I came from. They bring me joy and hope that everything will be alright.

Carl: Nothing else?

Chase: Okay, one more. There's this Cockapoo girl. (Carl gasps) She looked so beautiful the hour Clone too her and my friends. When I met her, she looked like as if she flew down from heaven. Her magenta eyes sparkled in the sunlight. And her fur, (sighs) Softer than the most comfortable pillow.

Carl: Did you tell her how you feel?

Chase: No. 

Carl: Look, Chase. Not only do you need to speak up to her soon, but in order to succeed you have to surround yourself with the people you love and trust. Example being your crush and your friends. Otherwise, you'd be hitting rock bottom instead of the top of the mountain.

Chase was taking his friends advice very well. Then another idea came up. This time it might  deactivate him and turn him to the side of good while he's unconscious.I

Chase: (thinking( Clone. Crush. Rock bottom! (He now speaks out loud when Crash and Craze come to them) Look, guys. I- - I - - I'm sorry for getting angry at you.

Crash: I forgive you. You do not wanna see me when I get cranky in the morning. (They laugh)

Chase: Carl. Was there another test run with Clone where the ceiling almost collapsed?

Carl: As a matter of fact, there was. The hunk of junk of a portal device blasted the ceiling that brought down debris into Clone! Nearly killed him!

Chase: Okay! That's our new plan. Simple, yet may be effective.

Crash: Wait! If Clone sees me and reads my mind, our plan has failed too soon.

Carl: Okay, here's the thing, Crash. He can't read the minds of two-legged beings if they are USING those hind legs.

Crash: So you're saying until the plan has worked . . . 

Chase: Either focus your mind in the now instead when I mentioned our new plan, or just do push-ups and fight on your knees.

Carl: The scientifics are weird, but true.

Crash: Okay. Chase, what's our plan that I will forget soon?

Sheesh! The tension here was like a tidal wave that splashed onto the mountain! And that part where Chase and Carl are yelling kinda made me break emotionally. But now tensions have lowered, there's been an understanding, and Chase has a new plan that will work.  We may not know his plan, but we will see it in action in the next chapter of PAW Patrol: MULTIVERSAL MASSACRE

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