2: Self-confrontation.

Beginne am Anfang

Excited voices of girls meeting their friends or next door neighbors flowed into her head as she stood in the hallways on the floor she was assigned to, she swiped her key card through the sensor and stepped into the room.

She shut the door, isolating herself from the carefree nature of the adolescent girls.

Her frustration made her more irritable towards the happy sounding voices so she was grateful for the room's ability to effectively screen noise.

The emotion's intensity had increased as she came to terms with it's origin.

She was frustrated at herself for not getting an idea sooner, her mind only filled by one thought as she settled into her room.

'Would my brother have figured it out?'



I underestimated her stubbornness....

I couldn't help but think so as I watched the black haired girl leave the school building with no apparent intention of working in the direction I pointed her towards.

I sighed and lifted my bag, leaving the classroom still filled with some students.

"Uhm, excuse me." And I was stopped.

I turned to the owner of the familiar voice. Kushida, who had only taken one day to be completely adored by the class appeared in front of me.

Huh, what does she want?

I talked to her a bit today so it's not a huge stretch to assume she had buisness with me, but I was almost sure that wasn't the case.

"Oh, Kushida. How may I help you?"

"It's nothing too bothersome, I promise!"

I didn't say anything though..

And how is she sure it won't be bothersome, isn't that supposed to be judged by my own criteria?

"Go on." I relunctantly decided to believe her.

"Thanks! Are you close with Horikita-san?"

Hm. Unexpected line of questioning.

"No. We're just classmates." I responded truthfully.

"But you're the only one she talks to. I tried to talk to her but she brushed me off." She said as she made a sad face.

Is this some kind of elaborate joke?

"I fail to see how talking to someone equates to closeness, considering I sit next to her, a few conversations are bound to haappen." I tried my best to brush the class' beloved girl off, but she was too persistent.

"No, she's different. She says she's not interested in making any friends but that seems sad so I want to help her."

"And you need my help for that?" I'm starting to feel like this conversation will keep going in a circle.

"Hmm. Please help me."

"Sorry, I can't. Horikita is someone I have no connection or amiable relationship with. You'll have to do it on your own." Refusing her outright should end this right?

"Please.... Seeing a clasmate live like that is painful.." She drew closer to me as she said this.

Worth a shot...

"Kushida. Its her personal prefernce, you doing this is trying to force friendship on someone who doesn't want or care for it. Are you sure that's the right choice?"

I stared deep into her eyes as I challenged her motives. She involuntarily took two steps away from me.

"Haha, you might be right. Sorry for making you uncomfortable, Ayanokouji-kun, bye!" She quickly ended the conversation as she retreated into the classroom back to her friends who had been watching the interaction.

They didn't seem to be within hearing range so it's fine.

I sighed and continued on my way home.

Kushida huh...she too has her own problems but unlike Horikita, I'm unable to tell at a glance.

She's another interesting person I've met at this school.

With the volume of such varied and multi faceted people surrounding me, I couldn't help but look towards the future with something that had been making repeated appearances in my psyche in recent times, Anticipation.

My journey towards autonomy seemed achievable now.



The month went on, my classmates still indulging themselves and the school still being negligent.

Horikita still initiated conversations with me once in a while, this time actually putting in work to sustain it.

I could tell she was trying to probe me but I avoided all her attempts without giving myself away.

Then one day, when the halfway mark of the month had passed, Horikta came up to me after classes had ended.

And then.....

"Ayanokouji-kun, I need your help."



It's been a while. I admittedly took a while with this and it's short on top of that so excuse me.

Yeah, the updates will be this spaced out for a bit. It'll get regular soon. Peace.

Classroom of the elite: Autonomy.Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt