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Song of the day:

Accidentally in love by Counting Crows


-S O R A-


"SHUT UP SHUT UPPP I'M SO SICK OF YOU AND ALSO THIS SNEEZING" I scolded the man beside me and threw a pillow which smacked him right on the face. Well deserved.

"Eat medicine if you're sick of me then" Soobin smirked, giving me this big urge to wipe off that devilish smirk by biting him like a mad dog.

"How can your immune system be stronger than mine? Is it because you're tall so that's why you have more white blood cells than me or something?" A groan escaped from my lips soon after as I blew my nose onto a clean tissue.

"Oh come on, that's just nonsense because your height doesn't determine your immune system's resilience. Pay attention to biology next time, kiddo" He babbled like a mother now and flicked my forehead, sending my head to the back a bit which definitely made me squeal in surprise.

"Yah Soybean, stop flicking a sick person's forehead because it's you who made me like this, yet you're healthy as ever! Wah...if you were to slap someone, instead of sending them to Pluto after passing through the seven layers of the atmosphere, they'll instantly wake up with a question from god himself in their graves. Seriously, Soobin... Your hand carries a larger surface area than a normal person's hand. The larger the surface area, the more painful a slap can be" I shook my head in disapproval and slapped his hand lightly that was still lingering near my forehead. My eyes were shooting daggers at him who's now chuckling as if what I'm saying is just a joke.

"Now eat this or I'll keep lingering here and make more noises like a buzzing fly if you don't" Soobin ushered as he offered me the two pills which I refused earlier since I was too sleepy to take one just now. Like come on, how do you expect a person who's woken up from their sleep to instantly eat their medicine? I wouldn't though because I tend to sleep talk first and utter nonsense without realizing but damn, that forehead flicking woke the senses in me.

I accepted the medicine and the glass of water he offered from his other hand, casually glancing at the clock hanging on the wall. I was sure that I slept at 5pm just now and now it's past 3am already? And he's in my room offering me medicine??

"are you some kind of a ghost?" I backed off a bit, pulling up the handmade quilt that me and my grandmother stitched up back in my teenage years up to my nose. My eyes are narrowed in suspicion as I tried to find some strange aspects of this human in front of me.

I don't know, maybe look at his feet if he's floating mid air or that he has pointy fangs out of nowhere. Just anything that might give me a sign that this is not Soobin although the pajamas distracted me a lot because no way a ghost will haunt me wearing navy silk pajamas.

"I know what you're thinking and yes, I'm a ghost and I've come to give this human girl her medicine so that she'll feel better the next day because this girl will go to a school reunion with this ghost as his date, boooooo" He made this weird ghostly-like tone, his hands both making this wavy movements which made me roll my eyes at his sarcastic response. I placed down the empty glass on the bedside where the lamp was the only source of light in this room.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 16, 2023 ⏰

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