7- An Untold Truth

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🎶 Song of the day 🎶

20cm- 투모로우바이투게더


-S O R A-

It's been a week since that day and I felt very, very lucky that I didn't encounter with Yeonjun again. I guessed so?

He came to the company most of the time for the collaboration between both Soobin and his company, but me being a scaredy cat, I decided to go hide in Soobin's office behind his shelf until their meeting is over and that man is gone.

My attire are always black since then, in order to blend in with the shadow. Yes, I'm a part time secretary and part time hiding ninja.

"Hey orange ninja...come out now and let's eat lunch. Also, help me go shopping for clothes,will you? "Soobin knocked on the shelf where I'm leaning my back is as I looked up and put my hand out so he'll be a good friend and help me get up on my feet.

"Are you a girl or something to go shopping for clothes? That's something rare, Choi Soobin. Going to senior prom or a date? You need me to help choose a dress and do your makeup aye? "I teased him and nudged his arm, making him scrunched his nose at my teasing.

"I'm not a girl and hey... I need to buy new clothes for a special occasion and I only have you to help me choose. Now let's not waste our time and let's just go eat lunch for now. I need some fresh air now too after all of these hectic days of work "He scoffed as he walked away with me trailing behind him like a chick following it's mother.

He drove the car to a drive thru and ordered a take out before we went to a park nearby to get some fresh air he needed. I could see that he looked so tired nowadays and those eyebags explains enough. So the only way I can help is by staying back in the office with him to help with work, even though if it means that I'll come back home at 2 am or 3 in the morning then get up to work at 6.

Some days are so busy and challenging that sometimes, we camp in his office and only come back home the next day to shower.

Growing up is tough. Reminding back those teenager days when we biked to school with me taking a ride on the back with him on his bicycle while he paddle, just made me miss those fun and youthful days.

We were so free and school is nothing compared to work. I miss going to school and talk with classmates, hear the teacher talking and all those free times we get to spend whenever we want.

Work life is far more different than this. There is no one day free from running around, arranging files, meetings and all this work things. I should've spent and appreciate my life back then when I was young and free.

We're still young though, but we're on a different stage of life currently. The stage of being one of the working population and the stage of finding love.

Finding love... Will I find one again? Or will love find me by its own?

Life is unfair. Why can't love come to me? Why do I need to search for love? I always thought that, time can heal someone who's deeply hurt.

Second Lead; 애인없는 세상에서 깨어 났어- CSB FFWhere stories live. Discover now