Day One, Part Three - Here we go again.

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"Good to know." He smiles gently, so his cute little dimples begin to show.

"Now we know where we both stand, tell me about you." I ask.

Levi and I spend the next half an hour or so talking about our lives back home and what it is we do in our spare time. I flirt unashamedly and he is able to flirt back, which shows he can keep up with me in that sense. Time will tell if it's anything more than that though. I'll have to chat with Chelsea too at some point to tell her what I've said, I meant it when I said nothing would come between us. I wouldn't lose her over some fling that may not be anything serious in the long run.

I notice some of the islanders going indoors to get ready for bed. We part with me kissing him on the cheek and I head for the girl's dressing room.

Chelsea and Genevieve are already in their PJ's and we're wiping their make up off. I take a seat at my station and begin to take my make up off too. Chelsea sidles up next to me and we discuss who and what we'd been talking about through the evening. I told her about what Levi and I had talked about, at first she looked surprised that he liked me too, as he hadn't mentioned it in their chat but was grateful for me telling her straight away. She also had had a conversation with Will and that she was going to be chatting to the other guys as she feel she needed someone with more oomph to them. I can see where she was coming from, Will was a beautiful man but I can see why a partner would get annoyed with his aloof nature.

The rest of the girls come in to get ready for bed, most of them choosing matching shorts and tank tops for the first night. I however, had chosen a silky pair of shorts and matching strappy top that had plunge neckline. I had a great pair of boobs and I love showing them off, who says that needs to be just in the day time.

I quickly brush my teeth and head for the bedroom. I see some of the beds had already been claimed, Noah was sitting looking through a book on the very end bed by the corner and Bruno had made himself comfortable on the middle bed. The other boys stood nearer the door in just their sleep shorts. I strut myself through them as their jaws drop, straight to where Noah was.

"I see you grabbed the best spot."

He looks up from his book about to reply, until he sees my attire. "Yeah, I thought umm it would be... Wow, you look..."

I do a little spin. "Oh this little number, thanks. Anyways, you okay for us to share? Or did you want the bed to yourself?"

Noah moves over and pats the bed, "You sleep on the right, right?"

I nod and slide myself in, pulling up the cover. "What are you reading?" I find myself asking.

"Oh what, this? It's just something one of the kids from my reading group at the library recommended. I know how long it usually takes you girl's to get ready, so you know." He closes the book and puts it on the nightstand beside him.
He then lays down and pulls up the covers, he rests his arms above his head and looks up to the ceiling before closing his eyes. I turn on my side, putting my hands beneath the side of my face and look at his profile, I'd forgotten how handsome he actually was. We lay in silence for a few moments, as the others all settled into their beds.

"Noah." I whisper, once I see that everyone was now whispering in hushed tones in their beds.

"Hmm." He replies, keeping his eyes shut.

"Are you awake?"

"No." He whispers, then quietly chuckles.

"Is being back here weird for you?" I ask quietly.

His eyes open and he turns to face me, his eyes studying my face. He tucks a stray hair behind my ear. The little bit of contact makes chemicals start to stir.

"Surprisingly not, how about you?" He whispers back.

"Not weird per say. More like it's deja vu, although last time we didn't get to share a bed, which was a shame." My eyes twinkle mischievously.

"Luna." He breathes out a shaky breath.

The lights turn off and the others shout goodnight to each other, but all I can focus on is how easily it would be to slip back into bad habits where Noah and I were concerned.

"I probably shouldn't have said that." I whisper.

"Why?" He quietly asks, moving so close I can feel his breath on my cheek.

"You know what happens when I get flirty, I get myself into these situations and one thing leads to another." I say, bringing my hand to his chest to stop him from coming closer.

Noah's heartbeat was steady in his chest, his body warm to the touch.

His lips are so close as he whispers. "Why's that a bad thing? We both have itches we need scratching, why can't we help each other out."

"We've been here before. It's not that simple." I sigh.

"It could be." Noah says as he places his hand over mine, gently stroking it with his thumb.

"We should go to sleep. Tomorrow will bring more challenges, more flirting with others and potential new islanders. We shouldn't..." I'm cut off by Noah's finger being placed over my lips.

He slowly draws it down my chin to my neck and  stops once he gets to the dip of the middle of my collar bones, "Tell me to stop."

"Noah..." I inhale as he moves again getting lower on my chest.

He continues getting lower, until he reaches the top of my cleavage. "Tell me to stop."

I can't get my brain to connect with my mouth to form the word 'stop', as all I want to do is climb on top of Noah and ride him till we are both satisfied. I then remember we are in the Love Island bedroom with all the other islanders.

I press myself closer to him, bringing my lips to his applying hard pressure. Flashbacks of all the times Noah and I were together come quickly flooding back. I pull myself back.

"Goodnight Noah." I flick his nose gently and roll over, so my back is facing him.

Damn it! Noah and I had been here before, we'd end up getting hot and heavy, then our consciousness would come back and we end up saying it won't happen again. I can't go down that rabbit hole again, even if my body willed for me to turn back around.

I hear Noah shift behind me, he whispers "Night, Luna."

I force my eyes shut and wish for sleep to take me quickly. Tomorrow was a new day, I need my beauty sleep and to rest before a day of grafting and flirting. I can't be thinking about hooking up with Noah this time.

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