Chapter 2: The Rose has Thorns

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As Jaidyn made his journey far from Shione was an island deep in fog on this island was a tall tower and inside this tower stood a meeting room with 8 people inside looking like they were arguing, "You're insane letting a child sit on your throne!" Said a large man, "It's my choice and I think he's ready!" A man with white hair with a beard said as the tell continued to yell the others were just listening until one with long white hair slammed the table stopping the argument, "Now you two I think we'll settle this matter Kupko let Marin's son become king." The man said softly as a small smile was on his face soon a slam could be heard as the now name Kupko was pissed his fist was slammed into the table, "But this would lessen our strengths as dominants you can't just-" Kupko shouted only to be stopped as the white-haired man stared at him still a smile plastered on his face but when you look at his eyes you see an evil aura to it promising a slow and agonizing death soon Kupko sat down hiding his fear with anger.

" The man said softly as a small smile was on his face soon a slam could be heard as the now name Kupko was pissed his fist was slammed into the table, "But this would lessen our strengths as dominants you can't just-" Kupko shouted only to be sto...

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"Now then everyone return to your kingdoms this meeting is closed." He said as everyone left and as Kupko left, "It's getting harder to get what you want huh?" Said a female voice as Kupko looked at her and smirked, "It is Sillica." He said as the now-named Sillica walked up to him the sound of her heels clicking on the stone ground as she placed her finger on his chest, "You know once we get those gemstones all of the kingdoms will be ours and we will make them bow to use." She said as they began to kiss each other enjoying the moment of lust and pride not knowing the upcoming future.

Back in Shione Jaidyn was sleeping under a Sakura tree as he was in village as he slept he felt something lick his face slightly opening his eyes he saw a corgi licking his cheek he chuckled at this as he got up looking at the village, comparing to the city it was less noisy and populated but it was mostly populated by monks, gardeners, and wildlife. He patted the corgi's head as he placed his bag on and continued his travel asking monks where the dojo was as a few minutes of walking past he finally made it, it was a large circular gate with a dragon around it and in the middle was a cliff, Jaidyn grabbed one of the knobs and used it to knock resulting in a slightly loud bang on the gate soon letting go hoping for an answer which is what he got as a man with a blindfold and wearing a samurai kimono opened the gate to Jaidyn's surprise he knew this man,

 He patted the corgi's head as he placed his bag on and continued his travel asking monks where the dojo was as a few minutes of walking past he finally made it, it was a large circular gate with a dragon around it and in the middle was a cliff, J...

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