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The taxi stops at the destination. I come out of the taxi after paying the driver. Familiar buildings comes in my view. The old buildings, whose paint has been washed away in the rain. I came to my place. Ah. The address saved in the app is address of my rented apartment. I go inside the building, took stairs to reach my floor. I unlock the door of the apartment. I turn off the light.

The cold room welcomes me. There was a paper on the floor. I pick up the paper from the floor. It was the letter from the landlord. He is an old fashion man. It was the letter of clearance. He basically asked me to pack my things and move out of his apartment by tomorrow. Such a short notice. I sigh heavily. But, the good thing is I don't have much stuff. I take out my suitcase and began to pack my clothes, books and other stuff.

During packing, I got call from Christian. I pock up the call. "Hey."

"Where are you? If you are going somewhere, you should inform, at least. Don't you have phone with you." He yells from other side.

"Sorry. Why are you scolding me?" I say him.

"Scolding you? Are you serious?" He says.

"I am sorry. So sorry." I apologize.

"Where are you?" He asks.

"At home?" I say.

"You are not at home. Where are you exactly?" He ask again.

"I am at my place." I answer him.

"Send me the address." He say "I am coming to pick you."

"You don't have to...." 

He cuts me off, "I am coming. Send me the address. Right now." He disconnects the call.

I send him my address and continue to pack. There's a knock on the door, I open the door. Christian was standing there. "Come in." I offer him. He comes inside. He scans my apartment. 

"You live here?" Ha asks me, his eyes wandering around the apartment.

"I am not rich like you." I say and pack other stuff.

"Are you insulting me?" He says little bit offended.

"Just stating the facts." I reply and continue to pack.

"What are you doing?" He ask as he watch me pack my stuff.

"Packing my stuff. I got letter from landlord saying I have to move out from this apartment by tomorrow." I say and zip my suitcase.

"Did you pack everything?" He ask and take suitcase from my hand.

"I did." I say and carry the box. I close the door behind me and come out of the building.

He loads my suitcase and box in the trunk. He sits on the drivers seat. I sits on the co-pilot seat. Fastening the seat belts. Hitting the engine. We drove off to his home. We reached home. Christians unload my suitcase from his car. He carried my suitcase inside the house. His parents were sitting at the living room. They saw us entering the house.

"Jane, where were? You should have informed us. We were scared, you know." Stella says. She looked worried.

"I am sorry to worry you." I say. 

"Where were you?" Stella asks.

"My place." I tell them. "Actually, the address saved in the app is of my place. So, when I booked the cab, it took that address by default. Again, so sorry."

"No. It's fine." Stella says "What with this box and suitcase?"

"Mom, now that she is staying with us. Shouldn't her things be here?" Christian interrupts.

"Right. You are right." Brandon says.

"Jane, have eaten your dinner?" Stella ask.

I shook my head in no. 

"I will ask the housekeeper to bring dinner to your room." Stella says and disappear in the kitchen.

"Let's go." Christian says, carrying my suitcase with him.

"Here you go." He keeps my suitcase at the corner, when we are upon the room. The housekeeper brings my dinner. I ate my dinner in the room. After eating, I washed the dishes and kept in his place. I came back to room, Christian was reading files. I open the box and took out a book to read. It's the new novel which I was reading. I sit on the bed and began to read the novel. I fall asleep while reading few chapters of the novel. Christian looks at me. He comes and tuck me in the bed.

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