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I woke up when the sunlight hits me. New day, new hope. As I always tell myself. I got ready for the day. I was eating breakfast when Christian came downstairs. He sits beside me and eat his breakfast. I complete my breakfast. I take out my phone from purse to book cab. I was just going to confirm the booking. When Christian tells me "Wait. I will drive you office." 

"No thanks. I will book cab and go to office." I decline his offer.

"I told you already, I am driving you to work." Christian continue to munch his breakfast.

"There's a difference between 'tell' and 'inform'." I reply him. Actually, I talk back to him.

"So." He says coldly. 

"Ah!" I groan in irritation. "I can really go to office by myself. You don't have to drop me." 

"I am dropping you, that's final." Christian says and took sip from his coffee. "We are going to same destination, why use two different vehicles and pollute environment." He had a point though. We are both going to same place, why travel in different cars and pollute air. It's better to go in same car.

"Fine." I say. 

He complete his breakfast and walk towards the garage where his car is parked along with other cars owned by his family. Which are lot. He opens the door of his Porsche, "Hop in." He says and sit.

I walk and open door of the passenger seat. We set off to the office. We were quite the whole time. I mostly looked out of the window. We reached office. We both took elevator together and reached to our floor which is same. I began to start my work of the day, Christian goes in his cabin, the work of the day began. My whole focus was on the work. I read documents, arranged Christian's schedule, called clients. The whole day goes on like this. 

It's almost been a week, since I married my boss, Christian. Nothing has changed much, I do my job. We talk from time to time. The only thing that changed is life style. I used to cook, but now, food is served anytime. My bed which to be uncomfortable to sleep, now it's comfortable.

It's my off day, I am currently sitting on the swing which is in the veranda. I was reading the novel, enjoying the breeze and listening to music. It was very calm. Relaxing time for me. Christian comes to veranda, he saw me, enjoying myself. He pats my shoulder and comes sit beside me on the swing. I remove earphone.

"What are you doing here? Alone?" Christian ask.

"Just relaxing." I say.

We just sit in silence. Breeze fanning our faces and hairs. There's a calmness in the air. 

"So you like reading books?" Christian ask, seeing the book I am reading.

"Yes. I really enjoy reading books." I answer. He takes earphone from my hand and wears in his ears. 

"So, you like to listen pop music." Adam confirm and continue to listen.

"Hmm. Sometime I listen to ballads, sometimes old classic. I just listen to songs depend on my mood." I answer him.

"Jane. I know it's personal." Christian pauses. Hesitate whether to ask or not.

"What?" I raise my brows.

"I want to know about....your....family." Christian speaks after a lot of hesitation. Hearing it I was shocked. I was shaken to my core. Why do he want to know about my family?

I mean this was about to happen sooner or later. Christian and his patents will definitely ask this. I can't hide it as I am living with them, now. According to Christian's mom, I am part of this family, now. This question will arise in their mind. I am unsure whether to tell or not. If possible I want it to remain hidden. The truth which I have been hiding from them all. The incident which changed my life. Maybe telling lie, is a good solution. And no one will know whether I am speaking truth or not. If. If they came to know that I lied, they wouldn't trust me. I don't know what will be the consequences of my choice.

Christian could clearly see my nervousness and hesitation. "Jane." He calls me, I look at him. "I just need to know the truth. I don't want you to lie. If it's something you fell uncomfortable to talk or even remember about it, it'd absolutely fine. I won't force you or pressure you." 

"I.....I......." I couldn't speak. My voice struck in my throat. I find it hard to breath.

"It's okay if you find it difficult to talk about. It's totally fine. I understand. There are somethings which can't be talk about, easily." Christian says and swings the swing. 

I quietly sit beside him. How I wish it was easy to talk about that night?

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