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Starscream walks within the group. His mind mapping the way he came. As they made their way to the showers, Starscream takes note of each seeker. Vox with her pink and blue was a none stop talker and a big fan of Decepticons. Another is called Rangingfire a green and yellow seeker who has a fine contraption on their forearm. And there is the leader designated Timefreeze who is completely silver and matt grey. They have a fine gold circle over their spark chamber and then on their back and across their wings is a symbol of eternity in a form of a dragon and along its spine is a pray. 'Only the wings of a draganort can carry the sorrow and failures of two, and be rewarded with steadfastness and internal benevolentness of one.'

"What you looking at!" Vox shout right into Starscream audial. Making his shoulders pull up and jerk away from Vox. Seeing her very cheeky smile.

"Don't panic. We are use to others reading the words of the tattoo. However, what it means is only us special air-force will know."

Rangingfire huffs and flicks a small sensory horn on top of her head. "Stop being a child."

Vox stamp her foot "I am not a child."

Timefreeze who have turned on every tap barks out "Stop you two. We have to be quick."

As Starscream watch an uneasiness settle in his stomach. The same uneasiness when Megatron will purposefully give him a task that he knows there are little chance of success. The type of casual disregard and choice to be ignorant. One thing he did gather wisdom of is to wait and not react.

"Sorry for the confusion however we don't know who could be listening." Says Timefreeze.

It is than the words that he uttered that Starscream relies they were speaking in old royal dialect of Vosian kingdom.

"King of the Sky. Commander Starscream of Incipient. Consort to Deicidium we were sent by you to give you this." Says Timefreeze as they pull out from a subspace a small shard. A Shard of an Allspark.

Reaching out Starscream picks up the small shard. It glimmers for a moment. A memory is fuzzy of how he attains a piece of the Allspark. His fingers run across the surface. His body feels cold. And the spark itself feel really hot. He knew that he was incredibly injured with a gapping whole. And that Optimus Prime had managed to eject the AllSpark off planet. However, in was hit by an object that has all gasping in fear only to clip the side. Not known by the bots the Allspark was fractured and by chance it lands close to him. Picking with his servos, stain with his blood. Then holding on tight that he can feel all of its edges. Not for long his focus is to presses it into his side in an attempt to stop the bleeding. Going out cold and into darkness. When he woke up and the first thing he feels and sees is that he is on a berth in a medical wing. Feeling if someone has drained his energy. Only to find nothing wrong even with the tests of the medic came back empty to how he manages to survive the wound. It was later that he figures that the Allspark has attached itself to him as a dis-colouration from his side. Fiddling with it at one point it glimmers sends light and for a brief moment showing shadows for bots that are not there. It progress slowly with whispers. Voices beyond the well. Then ghostly shapes. Soon he was seeing the dead. It is then it started to get harder to tell the ghosts and the living apart. And then he can feel himself slipping at the edges. And pain did not hurt. He wanted it to stop. He wanted it stop even if he takes him to burn the galaxies to the ground. And when you have a warlord on hand that willing kill you. Why wastes an opportunity. However, something that still him. So weak kept him alive. No that was not just that. Dark energon or Unicron blood was the start of his descent into losing himself. Just at a slower pace. The Allspark just happen to have a reaction to it.

"Did I say what I need to do with this."

They shrug.


Following course towards Incipient. Standing on a warship helm is Soundwave as he main the steering control. The ship is full of Decpeticons in the lowliest position. All given a deal to live in a new place without the influence of Autobots. A large bipedal wolf walks up to Soundwave. Steeljaw yellow eyes flashing as they gaze over the third in command. From the very start Steeljaw did not like his benefactor and kept plotting ways to take over the ship. However, Soundwave stands in his way. And all rumours are not taken lightly. And that was just what they done to autoboot prisoners.

"Are you sure that we can trust Gleamwave?" Steeljaw question.

Soundwave did not speak as they pause. Giving actual thought to the question. Then patch up voice play back "That is irrelevant to the plan."

Steeljaw growls "Do you think he will turn on us, once he get what he wants."

Soundwave pause and then mashup of recording play again "It be too risky."

Before Steeljaw can ask for more clarification another Decpticon voice calls out.

"Commander sir" as a crew speaks loud "We have Gleamwave wanting to speak to us."


A screen activates and Gleamwave is sitting. Their face pitch and bright green optics are darker than before.

"We have a current problem and the plan currently has to be delayed. We have lost Starscream and Lieutenant Bumblebee both missing in action currently. Both disappearing in a displace spacebridge. The second problem is that the ship that I am on has been badly damage and we are going to be in a control crash. Meaning I and the infiltrating team may receive critical damage."

Soundwave nods in understanding.

"Therefore, your part of the plan will currently be on hold until we can be sure that we are able to be sure the takeover will go smoothly."

Soundwave nods again.

"And what about the chest?" growls Steeljaw.

Gleamwave gives a cold smile "the chest holds a part of the gladiator that protected the Queen. That is our back up plan."

"Oh, and how is that our back up plan. Use it to trade for whatever powerful relic."

"Well that is correct. From what information we have gathered; they admire this gladiator to the point of worship. What may be a faceless bot to us is almost considered any bot would desire the most."

Soundwave arch a brow "And so what could you be gifting them as a peace offering?"

Gleamwave face became bored "We are giving them a photovoltaic pussycat, suggested by Metalhawk. I update as soon it is coventient."

Soundwave nods.

"So should we have a look at the mask?" Steeljaw commit as he made his way to the box that Soundwave constantly have beside them.


Steeljaw raise their brow again "selfish interest, so are you going to stop me?"

Soundwave shock his head.

Opening the chest and on a yellow silk from earth is a purple battle mask that has been ripped from the rest of its helmet. However it was a physical form of the Decepticon symbol that many who have chose to wear during the civil war. Steeljaw ears twitch in the way that something is irritating him.

"I recognise this battel mask."

"That's impossible" says Soundwave. "it is created before the Goldenage."

Steeljaws frowns "I don't know were I saw it. I swear on Solus that some bot wore that battle mask. My instincts are never wrong."

Soundwave tilt their head. "I will compare bots battlemask with this mask. I look for a match."

Steeljaw optics widen. However, did not voice anymore words. Who knows what soundwave is thinking.

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